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The special terminology understood among the members of a profession, discipline, or class but obscure to the general population; jargon.

The special quality of Rhine Riesling relies on a mix of cool nights and warm days for slow ripening. 凉爽的夜晚和温暖的白天让葡萄慢慢成熟,是莱茵雷司令特殊品质的来源。
The special railway line oriented grain, oil and animal feed wholesale market is booming with an annual sales volume of over 300,000 tons. 以铁路专用线为依托的粮油饲料批发市场生意红火,年经营量在30万吨以上。
The special rates and free minutes offer are neither applicable for calls made to mobile phone numbers in UK and Australia nor calls made to UK which telephone numbers are prefixed with 4456, 447,448and 449and Japan with prefixed 8150. 优惠价格及免费分钟均不适用于致电英国及澳洲之流动电话号码及英国「4456」、「447」、「448」及「449」字首之电话号码及「8150」字首之日本电话号码。
The special role of time is one reason it is proving so difficult to merge quantum mechanics with general relativity. 物理学家发现,时间在量子力学中扮演的特殊角色,便是量子力学与广义相对论难以顺利结合的主要障碍之一。
The special simplicity is the first impression of this suite. The boldness and precursory lifestyle stick out the impressive feelings and present the fresh views on the warmhearted living space. 独特的简约风格,是身处这套公寓的第一感觉,胆色和前瞻性的生活品位,在平淡和谐中凸显出强烈的感触,给人耳目一新而又不失居家温情的感觉。
The special terminology understood among the members of a profession, discipline, or class but obscure to the general population; jargon. 术语,行话在一个职业、学科或阶层的成员间能被理解的特殊术语,但对一般大众来说却晦涩难懂;专门术语
The special tests we have done show a strong positive reaction to house dust, pollens, moulds and house mite. 我们做地特殊试验表明您对室内尘土、花粉、霉菌和家螨都有强阳性反应。
The special treatment for you only is BOBO pet service institutes believe. 为您的宠物提供顶级的个性化服务就是“BOBO宠物服务机构”的经营宗旨。
The special working production is: T/C, brocade, cotton, T/R and medium-high grade fashionable dress jacquard and hometextile fabric. 本公司主要经营产品为:涤棉、锦棉、全棉、T、R等中高档时装提花面料及家纺面料。
The special, ultra-silent, Soviet get-up-the-ass device. 答:苏联制造的“超级无声特殊钻屁股仪器”。
The special-purpose semi-circular caisson installation barge, Anding No.1, built and used for the second phase of the deep waterway regulation project in the Changjiang Estuary has been technically renovated into a special-purpose caisson launching barge, 摘要介绍了对原用于长江口深水航道治理二期工程施工的专用半圆沉箱安装船“安定一号”的技术改造,使之成为一艘沉箱下水专用船舶。

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