Rooney was reported for violent conduct and Scholes for foul play following their dismissals against FC Porto in the LG Amsterdam Tournament on Friday 4 August.
中文: 在8月4日(周五)阿姆斯特丹巡回赛对波图的比赛中被罚下后,(裁判提交了)关于鲁尼粗鲁行为和斯科尔斯严重犯规的报告。 更详细进入...
Lebanese Hizbollah supporter burns tyres during a protest in Beirut June 1, 2006, over a lo-cal comedy television programme (Basmat Watan) broadcast on Thursday in which a come-dian mocked the character of Hizbollah leader Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah.
中文: 黎巴嫩真主党支持者焚烧轮胎,抗议当地电视喜剧节目在周四的节目中,安排一位喜剧演员模仿真主党领袖萨伊德.哈珊.纳斯鲁拉。 更详细进入...
How have the partisan strategies varied between the parties in the two chambers?
中文: 两院政党的党派策略有何不同? 更详细进入...
Aramis: You are surrounded by beauty, by intrigue, by danger, what more can a man want?
中文: 阿拉米斯:你的周围满是美女,?,危险,还有什么是一个男人需要的? 更详细进入...
After the election the party was reduced to a rump.
中文: 选举之后,该党的党员所剩无几了。 更详细进入...
Adelie penguins live on the Antarctic continent and on many small, surrounding coastal islands. They spend the winter offshore in the seas surrounding the Antarctic pack ice.
中文: 阿德利企鹅生活在南极大陆和周边许多小岛上。整个冬天他们都会在南极冰盖周围的海上度过。 更详细进入...
Euro Derby: Sheva scoring probably the most important Derby goal after the one scored by Attila.
中文: 舍瓦在欧洲德比中的进球,或许是自阿提拉以后最为重要的德比进球。 更详细进入...
President Bush is hitting the campaign trail Sunday in support of Republican candidates in Nebraska and Kansas.
中文: 周日,总统布什出发去内布拉斯加州和肯萨斯州参加竞选以支持共和党候选人。 更详细进入...
Juventus chief Alessio Secco is set for talks with the agent of Ajax midfielder Hedwiges Maduro next week.
中文: 尤文图斯体育主管阿莱西奥·塞科准备在下周和阿贾克斯的中场海德维格斯·马杜罗的经纪人进行谈话。 更详细进入...
This week his claim that the Tories, in contrast to Labour, would put the interests of the workers before those of the rich and powerful was met with a new-year yawn.
中文: 本周,他又放言:新年伊始,面对社会中贫富之间的鸿沟,我们保守党,而不是工党,将把工人的福祉,而不是强权贵族的利益,摆在第一位。 更详细进入...
There is no hotter subject in Washington, DC, these days than the Iraq Study Group (ISG)—a bipartisan commission that is co-chaired by Mr Baker and Lee Hamilton, a Democrat.
中文: 这些天在首都华盛顿,没有什么比伊拉克问题调查小组更热门的话题了——这是一个两党联合组成的委员会,主席由共和党的贝克和民主党的李汉密尔顿共同担任。 更详细进入...
And Mr Dumont's party was heavily outspent by the Liberals and the Parti Québécois.
中文: 而且自由党和魁人党的竞选开支也远远超过了杜蒙的党派。 更详细进入...
It's an incredible compliment to the Chelsea players' physical and mental statethat Villa, after a midweek free of football, will be thinking this is their hardest test of the season too.
中文: 我们在惊叹于切尔西球员的身体和心理状态的同时,也要想到的是,没有周中比赛的阿斯顿维拉队员也会认为这是今季迄今为止对于他们最困难的比赛。 更详细进入...
The Spurs will have 30 games remaining after the All-Star break.
中文: 在全明星周之后,马刺还有30场比赛要打。 更详细进入...
A Comparative Study on Modern Genetic Theories and the Zhou-Yi Models
中文: 现代遗传学与周易模型构建的比较研究 更详细进入...
Arsenal's Abou Diaby has returned to full training.
中文: 阿森纳小将迪亚比伤愈归队,参加了球队的训练。 更详细进入...
Growth Analysis of Populus Euphratica Trees along the Former Aqikesu River in Aibi Lake Region
中文: 艾比湖流域阿其克苏河床森林覆盖率调查研究 更详细进入...
Forerunner of Labor Movement, Model of Party Members——To Commemorate the 0th Anniversary of Martyr DENG Pei, Chief of Early Labor Movement in China
中文: 工人运动先驱 共产党人楷模——纪念中国早期工人运动领袖邓培烈士诞辰0周年 更详细进入...
He sat out training on Thursday after suffering a slight hamstring strain in the 3-1 win over Hungary on Tuesday.
中文: 他在周二3-1击败匈牙利的比赛中受了些轻伤,周四也没有参加训练。 更详细进入...
Labour election chief Alan Milburn scoffed: “Mr Howard's turmoil gets worse. His leadership is under question.
中文: 工党选举负责人阿兰•米尔伯嘲讽道:“霍华德的乱子越来越大了,他的领导地位受到质疑。” 更详细进入...