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    And have I nothing to reproach myself for?

    中文: 我自己呢,难道我一点也没有应该责备自己的地方吗? 更详细进入...
    Follow the three Rs: Respect for self, Respect for others, and Responsibility for all your actions.

    中文: 遵循两“尊”一“负”:尊重自己,尊重他人,对自己的行为负责。 更详细进入...
    The contractual JV is liable to the venture's debts with all its assets.

    中文: 合作企业以其全部资产对合作企业的债务承担责任。 更详细进入...
    After Mr Zong's comments at the weekend and Danone's allegations of back-hand practices, it will be hard for the two sides to work well in the future.

    中文: 自宗庆后的言论出台,以及达能指责他私建业务的做法之后,双方今后将很难顺利合作。 更详细进入...
    Deviations are level bites, extra premolars, missing incisors, premolars and/or back molars, and poor occlusion.

    中文: 水平咬合,多出的臼齿,缺失门齿、小臼齿及后面的臼齿,和闭合不正都属于缺陷。 更详细进入...
    Partners are taxed as individuals and are personally liable for torts and contractual obligations.

    中文: 合伙人按个人纳税,且以个人名义承担侵权和合同责任. 更详细进入...
    Be self-motivated and proactive, Sense of responsibility and able to work under pressure.

    中文: 很强的自律与自我驱动能力,认真负责,能承担工作压力。 更详细进入...
    Liberty means responsibility. That is why most men dread it.

    中文: 自由意味着责任,这就是为什么多数人惧怕自由的原因。 更详细进入...
    Mankind is very odd creature 。one half censure what they practice,the other half practice what they censure.

    中文: 人类是非常奇怪的生物。有半数的人指责自己的所作所为,而另一半则在实行自己所指责的事情。 更详细进入...
    Negotiates secrecy agreements and joint venture agreements.

    中文: 负责起草、谈判保密协议及联合体协议。 更详细进入...
    The seller/bargainor sends out the responsible supplying letter and the original purchasing contract version.

    中文: 卖方发出“责任供货函”和购买合同蓝本。 更详细进入...
    The person in charge of getting you promoted is you!

    中文: 负责提拔你的人不是别人,而是你自己! 更详细进入...
    WARNING. Use the latter one at your own risk ! It CAN damage your device !

    中文: 警告。责任自负,它有可能损害你的手机。 更详细进入...
    All classrooms have front and back corridors. They are well lit and excellently ventilated.

    中文: (二)打破合院式封闭感,采大川堂设计,并提供一宽敞之前庭。 更详细进入...
    Women's vaginas were sewn up with fishing lines, villagers' mouths clamped shut with padlocks.

    中文: 妇女的阴部被他们用渔网缝合,村民的嘴也用挂锁锁闭住。 更详细进入...
    The treatment of leriche syndrome with bypass grafting

    中文: 人工血管转流术治疗腹主动脉下段闭塞合并性功能障碍 更详细进入...
    Which structure coordinates posture, balance, and equilibrium?

    中文: 下列哪一个部位负责统合姿势和平衡? 更详细进入...
    Zona reticularis is responsible for glucocorticoid and sex hormone synthesis.

    中文: 网状带负责合成糖皮质激素和性激素。 更详细进入...
    Population Densities of Cuora galbinifrons at Diaoluoshan Nature Reserve, Hainan Island, China

    中文: 海南吊罗山国家级自然保护区黄额闭壳龟种群密度调查 更详细进入...
    Mutually respects and responsible to self conduct.

    中文: 二、互相尊重,对自己的言论和行为负责。 更详细进入...

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