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The contractual JV is liable to the venture's debts with all its assets.

The contractor which has violated the above clause and the subcontractor shall assume the associate liabilities for the losses incurred from the sub-par quality of the project due to subcontracting. 承包单位有前款规定的违法行为的,对因转包工程或者违法分包的工程不符合规定的质量标准造成的损失,与接受转包或者分包的单位承担连带赔偿责任。
The contractor will liaise with the electromechanical Contractor and the Civil Works Contractor to confirm [red]tile[/red] (THE)appropriate power rating due to the actual load list[red]. [/red]that may be [red]different of [/red](FROM)the value here above 总承包商应与机电分包商和土建分包商联系核实相应电功率与实际负荷表相符.负荷表数值可能与上述数值有异.
The contractor will liaise with the electromechanical Contractor and the Civil Works Contractor to confirm tile (THE)appropriate power rating due to the actual load list. that may be different of (FROM)the value here above. 总承包商应与机电分包商和土建分包商联系核实相应电功率与实际负荷表相符.负荷表数值可能与上述数值有异.
The contractual JV articles of association mentioned in this detailed rules refers to the written document drafted according to the joint venture contract and agreed upon by all parties on matters including the organizational principles, operation and man 本实施细则所称合作企业章程,是指按照合作企业合同的约定,经合作各方一致同意,约定合作企业的组织原则、经营管理方法等事项的书面文件。
The contractual JV contract mentioned in this detailed rules refers to the written document agreed upon and concluded by all parties on their rights and obligations for establishing the venture. 本实施细则所称合作企业合同,是指合作各方为设立合作企业就相互之间的权利、义务关系达成一致意见后形成的书面文件。
The contractual JV is liable to the venture's debts with all its assets. 合作企业以其全部资产对合作企业的债务承担责任。
The contractual system consists of Standard Licence Stipulations, similar to the overall rules and regulations of an insurance policy, outlining the rights and obligations of licensor as well as licencee. 这个契约体系包括一份标准授权契约、这个契约类似保险单的整套规则条款,列举出授权人与被授权人的权利以及义务。
The contradict which supply of bamboo and shoot products is over market demands is getting acute gradually,with bamboo resources being expanding,and production yield of bamboo timber and shoot being rocketing. 近年来,随着竹林资源的不断发展,竹笋、竹材产量显著提高,笋、竹产品市场供大于求的矛盾逐渐突出。
The contradiction between the cadre &people in the new period have these characters: the non-antagonistic nature of its nature, the prominent nature of its position, the diversity of its display and the variety of its existing reason. 摘要新时期的干群矛盾具有性质的非对抗性、地位的突出性、表现形式的多样性、成因的多重性等特点。
The contradiction is hushed up. 这个矛盾消除了。
The contradiction of ecumenical ethics and national ethics is very outstanding under a condition of globalization. 摘要全球化条件下,普世伦理与民族伦理的矛盾十分突出。

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