The anti-war groundswell brought out thousands of counter demonstrators, including 2,000 who gathered outside the state Capitol in Mississippi.
中文: 这场反战浪潮引发了数以千记的游行示威,其中包括2000人聚集在密西西比首府举行示威。 更详细进入...
The government's overemphasize of the leadership of scientists that reside in foreign countries create a psycological burden on the local scientists who are very capable. Let me give an example.
中文: 政府过份依赖海外的学者,以他们马首是瞻,会对国内的才俊带来心理的包袱。试举一例子。 更详细进入...
The movie, which sees teenage Sweethearts head to the altar, grossed an estimated $US34.2 million in its debut weekend, box office-trackers Exhibitor Relations said.
中文: 据报道,美国喜剧系列电影,《美国派3:美国婚礼》,在周末首映中,一举夺得美国票房的第一名。 更详细进入...
The IALA Conference held in China for the first time——Capt.Liu Gongchen,Executive Director-General of China MSA elected Chairman of IALA Council
中文: 国际航标协会(IALA)大会首次在中国举行——中国海事局刘功臣常务副局长当选IALA理事会主席 更详细进入...
Movie American Wedding, the third film in the romantic comedy American Pie series, took the biggest slice of the US box office action over the weekend, preliminary figures report.
中文: 据报道,美国喜剧系列电影,《美国派3:美国婚礼》,在周末首映中,一举夺得美国票房的第一名。 更详细进入...
For one thing, law should be forced and observed to keep the balance of the nature by controlling commercial fishing.
中文: 首先,法律应该对商业捕鱼加强监督和管制,以保持自然平衡。 更详细进入...
Hong Kong retains its top position in the Economic Freedom Index compiled by the Fraser Institute, a Canadian think-tank.
中文: 香港仍然雄踞加拿大弗雷泽研究所的经济自由排行榜首位。 更详细进入...
Presidential elections were held in Mar. 1991.
中文: 1991年3月举行总统选举。 更详细进入...
The preferred manner to transport oil, gas and petroleum product is pipeline, while the most important work for operator to do is to maintain safe operation of pipeline.
中文: 摘要管道已成为输送石油、天然气和成品油的首选方式,而管道安全运行是管道运营管理的首要条件。 更详细进入...
We will first study it line by line, then we will see how to compile and run it.
中文: 我们首先一行一行的学习,然后再看看如何去编译和执行他。 更详细进入...
Species diversity of sarcodinids and flagellates in the provincial nature reserve of wetland of first meander of Yellow River
中文: 甘肃黄河首曲湿地省级自然保护区肉鞭虫物种多样性研究 更详细进入...
Get your facts first, and then you can distort them as much as you like.
中文: 首先去取得你的事实,然后你才能够随心所欲的扭曲误解它。 更详细进入...
Let's first read the play around the class, then we will try to act it.
中文: 首先让同学们依次读一下剧本,然后我们将试着来表演一下。 更详细进入...
Many factors contribute, but at the top of my list is vaccines.
中文: 当然,是很多东西造成了这样的情况,但是罪魁祸首就是疫苗。 更详细进入...
Although the holiday does not have religious origin, many churches hold “Watch Night” services on New Year's Eve.
中文: 虽然新年节日并不源于宗教,但许多教堂也在除夕举行守岁仪式。 更详细进入...
I am open to the idea of hosting '07 MM Asia in Zhenzhoug.
中文: 对于07年在郑州举办自然健美亚洲区比赛的想法,我持开放态度。 更详细进入...
When a car is stopped at a traffic light, for example, the signal can suddenly become noisy and distorted.
中文: 举例来说,当车子停在红绿灯前时,讯号可能突然变得吵杂而失真。 更详细进入...
Mother Nature topped the unofficial list of nominees at a panel discussion held on Monday by the weekly magazine to debate who will grace the cover of the issue that hits newsstands on December 19.
中文: 本周一,《时代》周刊举行了年度人物提名小组讨论会,会上讨论了谁将成为12月19日出版的《时代》周刊的封面人物,大自然母亲在非正式候选者名单中名列榜首。 更详细进入...
Earlier, a body headed by the Metropolitan Police had decided this was unnecessary.
中文: 然而之前大伦敦警察厅下属的一个机构已经认定此举毫无必要。 更详细进入...
From Nov.21 to Nov.30, University Student Original Drama Competition, a new cultural festival, was held in some universities and colleges in Beijing.
中文: 大学校园新的文化节日——大学校园原创风大赛于2000年11月21日到30日在首都各大院校举行。 更详细进入...