Items from the storeroom can not be issued without approval of division head. Requisition must be available for the checking by Finance representative from time to time.
中文: 非经部门总监批准不得从仓库领取物品。领料单应被妥善保管以备财务人员抽查。 更详细进入...
Depending upon certain conditions there may ornot may be f ree elect rons in semi - conductors.
中文: 半导体是否存在着自由电子,这取决于某些条件。 更详细进入...
For her part, the woman can explore her masculine dimension, recognizing that she is capable of dynamic leadership in lovemaking, taking the initiative, creating new ways of guiding, teaching, and giving herself and her partner pleasure.
中文: 作为女性,她可以探索她的男性尺度,认可她能够在做爱上采取主动权,主动,创造新方式去领导,教导,给予她自己和她的伴侣欢乐。 更详细进入...
Sensing waveguides with non-rectangular cross-section are transformed to rectangular ones by means of conformal mapping.
中文: 摘要用保角变换将非矩形截面传感波导变换成等效矩形截面波导。 更详细进入...
They made a break-through in missiles, and by1961, 2, and3, they will be out-numbering us in missiles.
中文: 他们在导弹方面已经取得突破,到了1961或62、63年,他们的导弹数量将超出我们。 更详细进入...
His throat and neck muscles will contract which protect the soft tissues under the muscle but also lead to restricted airflow.
中文: 他的咽喉和颈部会收缩,这样可以保护肌肉之下的软组织但是导致呼吸气流受阻。 更详细进入...
Before the innovation on teaching mode for the tutor to reading literature of modern and present Chinacourse, we should establish the basic conception of course tutorship which is the starting point of exploration on tutorship innovation.
中文: 摘要《中国现当代文学名著导读》课程教学模式改革,应确立“以读为主、以导助读、重在导法”的课程导学的基本理念,并以此作为导学改革探索的基点。 更详细进入...
A breach of warranty may be waived by the insurer.
中文: 保险人可以放弃保证的违反。 更详细进入...
Take the technology as vanguard ;focus on the talent ,pledges to provide clients' integrated and knight services in terms of design and construction of mechanical and electrical system.
中文: 以技术为先导,以人才为根本,承诺客户专业的机电工程设计和优质保证的代理产品及满意的质量服务。 更详细进入...
But critics say that the savings are misleading.
中文: 不过批评人士说,保健储蓄容易造成误导。 更详细进入...
Finn:All right. But if anyone finds out, we'll be disqualified.So let's just keep it on the down-low, shall we?
中文: 芬恩:好的。但是如果被别人发现了,我们就要被取消资格。所以我们要保守秘密,对不对? 更详细进入...
Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak has begun urgent efforts to save his ruling coalition, after the resignations of four cabinet ministers from the country's largest religious party.
中文: 以色列最大的宗教党派(沙斯党)的四名内阁部长辞职后,以色列总理巴拉克采取紧急行动,以求保住执政的联合政府。 更详细进入...
Face to competiton,we always keep contact with international textile manufactoner and more and more client be favor to our high-class product.
中文: 面对日趋激列的市场竞争,公司坚持以市场为导向,积极和国内外的同行取得联系,以优质产品的赢得市场的倾赖。 更详细进入...
North Korea agreed in September to give up its nuclear program in exchange for aid and security guarantees, but then negotiators met in November and failed to make any progre on the deal.
中文: 北韩去年9月同意放弃核项目,以换取援助和安全保证,但是后来谈判人员在11月会晤时没有在这个问题上取得任何进展。 更详细进入...
Please take necessary precautions that the packing can protect the goods from dampness or rain since these shirts are liable to be spoiled by damp or water in transit.
中文: 因为这批衬衫在运输途中易受湿气或雨水的损坏,请采取必要措施以保证外包装可保护货物免遭潮气和雨水侵袭。 更详细进入...
Taking protective measures can obviously reduce the face slab's surface temperature drop-out range and the maximum principal stress amplification caused by temperature sudden drop, and the stronger protective measures are, the more obvious reduced effect
中文: 采取保护措施,可以明显削减气温骤降所产生的面板降温幅度及最大主应力增幅,保护措施越强其削减效果越明显。 更详细进入...
Nevertheless David took the strong hold of Zion: the same is the city of David.
中文: 7然而大卫攻取锡安的保障,就是大卫的城。 更详细进入...
中文: 葡萄总RNA的提取及SQS基因保守区域的克隆 更详细进入...
122 Can I cancel this ticket?
中文: 我可以取消这张票吗? 更详细进入...
We should not judge a person by his appearance.
中文: 我们不应该以貌取人。 更详细进入...