Face to competiton,we always keep contact with international textile manufactoner and more and more client be favor to our high-class product. |
中文意思: 面对日趋激列的市场竞争,公司坚持以市场为导向,积极和国内外的同行取得联系,以优质产品的赢得市场的倾赖。 |
Face the new century, the intergalactic person is very confident,creating the intergalactic plank industry international well-known brand in domestic, make use of for the expansion the development of the Chinese environmental protection economy energy bui
面对新世纪,银河人满怀信心,把银河板业打造成国内国际知名品牌,为推广运用中国环保节能建材的发展作出贡献,以优异的产品,完善的服务与社会各界朋友携手共进,共同创造美好明天。 |
Face the new economic era new market situation, New century will break with the conventional idea constantly during keen competition in doors and windows limited company of plastic steel, Implement omni-directional modernizations and synthesize management
面临新经济时代新的市场形势,新世纪塑钢门窗有限公司在激烈的竞争中将不断更新观念,实行全方位的现代化综合管理,以从容和日臻成熟的心态面向未来的挑战。 |
Face the octopus invasion in this unique and exciting arcade game that combines action, role-playing and puzzle elements.
海龟湾原来是海龟们的乐园,如今却被大量章鱼入侵。 |
Face to Face with the City, a series of dynamic performances by both Taiwanese and international artists, is sure to reverberate in the souls of Taipei people, at such venues as the National Theatre, Taipei Municipal Hall Theatre, Zhongshan Hall and Taipe
「城市面对面」则透过国内与国外的表演团体,在国家剧院、城市舞台、中山堂、台北国际艺术村等展演场地,以动态的演出,与台北人的灵魂产生共鸣。 |
Face to The culture model change, citizens of our country can not adapt themselves to the new lifestyle and became greatly agitated.
我国城市居民面对文化转型,表现出了对基本生活方式改变的无所适从的噪动。 |
Face to competiton,we always keep contact with international textile manufactoner and more and more client be favor to our high-class product.
面对日趋激列的市场竞争,公司坚持以市场为导向,积极和国内外的同行取得联系,以优质产品的赢得市场的倾赖。 |
Face to face the truth comes out.
当面对证,真相自明。 |
Face to face, the truth comes out.
【谚】面对面,真相白。 |
Face to face.
面对面地。 |
Face to the future, TCL IBBD will try to be the leader of the world by superexcellence technologies, advance management and “ manufacture the generation, develop the generation, and conceive the generation” developing strategy.
面对未来,TCL楼宇科技将凭借卓越的技术力量,先进的管理经验和“生产一代、开发一代、构想一代”的发展策略,为中国智能楼宇产品在21世纪成为世界智能楼宇领域先行者而努力! |
Face to yourself, and tell you yourself something.
面对自己,然后跟自己说一些事情。 |