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Taking protective measures can obviously reduce the face slab's surface temperature drop-out range and the maximum principal stress amplification caused by temperature sudden drop, and the stronger protective measures are, the more obvious reduced effect

Taking outlet tube fittings as an example, the multi drawing process have been specified, with proposal of the as necked-down, abnormal flatness of flange etc. stamping characteristics for such stampings during solutions to the problems in tooling adjustm 摘要以出水管接头为例,说明了管接头类冲压件在多次拉深过程中的工艺特点,并提出了模具调试过程中拉深颈缩、法兰平面度超差等问题的解决措施。
Taking part in on site supervise projects for major rotating equipment. 参加主要转动设备的现场监督项目。
Taking paver as an example. This paper describes application of CAN bus in modem control system of construction machinery. Finally it discusses the remote control system. 摘要以摊铺机控制系统为例,阐述了CAN总线在工程机械现代控制系统中的应用,并对工程机械远程监控系统作了初步探讨。
Taking pig skin,pig blood ,pig small intestine as raw matcerials to producepigleather,hydrolyticgelatin,hem,SOD,thrombin,casing,heparin sodium etc.products elaborately and profoundly processed projedts. 以猪皮、猪血、猪小肠为原料生产猪皮革、水解明胶、血红素、SOD、凝血酶、肠衣、肝素钠等产品的精深加工项目。
Taking practical situation of this project and much engineering experience into account, the scheme with axle golden section elliptical arc surface is proposed through comparing nine optimization schemes with model test. 结合工程实际和以往经验,比较了9种进水口曲线型式的试验结果,确定了长短轴黄金分割比的椭圆弧面的方案。
Taking protective measures can obviously reduce the face slab's surface temperature drop-out range and the maximum principal stress amplification caused by temperature sudden drop, and the stronger protective measures are, the more obvious reduced effect 采取保护措施,可以明显削减气温骤降所产生的面板降温幅度及最大主应力增幅,保护措施越强其削减效果越明显。
Taking questions recently after a speech at a downtown church in Washington, D.C., Marian Wright Edelman was confronted by a conservative parishioner. 最近,埃德尔曼在华盛顿市中心一座教堂发表演讲之后接受了别人的提问。
Taking refuge in this wisdom, attaining My divine nature one is not reborn during the universal creation nor destroyed during the universal destruction. 在这个智慧中得到庇护,获得了“我”的超凡本性的人,在宇宙创生之时不会再生,在宇宙消亡之时也不会被毁灭。
Taking risks and managing them is an investment bank's core business. 承担风险并对其进行管理是投资银行的核心事务。
Taking safe driving probability of vehicle as evaluation objective, the relations between interrelated 3 factors i, e. driver, vehicle and environment are analyzed, and weights are given to these factors according to their extent of importance. 摘要以汽车安全行驶概率为评价目标,列举与之相关的驾驶员、汽车、环境3方面因素,分析因素间关系,确定重要因素并赋予权重,建立汽车驾驶人机系统目标评价树。
Taking scientific training as the guiding ideology, taking exercise physiology and athletic training theory as basis, considering each basketball athlete's function and the feature of basketball technologies and strategies, the author proposed the practic 本文以科学化训练为指导思想,以运动生理学和运动训练学原理为依据,结合篮球运动的分工职责与技战术特点,提出篮球前锋运动员身体素质的训练手段与方法,为从事篮球的教练员、运动员及其爱好者提供有益的参考。

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