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Take the technology as vanguard ;focus on the talent ,pledges to provide clients' integrated and knight services in terms of design and construction of mechanical and electrical system.

Take the second turning on the left. 在第二个转弯处向左转。
Take the solar energy as the auxiliary power, Using solar energy light hot principle and inexhaustible solar energy continuously heating way, uses the advanced collection hot method and the many kinds of chemical energy absorption way memory energy, again 以太阳能为辅助动力,利用太阳能的光热原理和取之不尽的太阳能连续不断的供热方式,采用先进的集热方法及多种化学能吸收方式存储能量,再通过物理转换装置,根据需要达到制冷制热的目的。
Take the table out from the storage , assemble it in seconds for the guests to relax, take in the view of the garden. 采取桌从存贮,装配它在几秒钟内使客人放松,采取根据庭院。
Take the tablets three times a day after food. 请每日三次饭后服这种药片。
Take the technical reform on longitudinal finned tubular oil/heating agent heat exchanger operated in (superscript #)2 Platform of Chengdao Oilfield Center as an example, this paper analyzes 3 failure modes of this kind of heater and presents relative imp 摘要以埕岛油田中心二号平台纵向翅片管式原油/热媒换热器技术改造为例,分析了纵向翅向管式换热器常见的3种失效形式,并指出了其相应的改进措施。
Take the technology as vanguard ;focus on the talent ,pledges to provide clients' integrated and knight services in terms of design and construction of mechanical and electrical system. 以技术为先导,以人才为根本,承诺客户专业的机电工程设计和优质保证的代理产品及满意的质量服务。
Take the time to ask questions until you're comfortable, and when the day of your face lift arrives, you should be able to go into surgery confident that you've chosen the best doctor for you. 慢慢地发问,直到你舒服,而当这一天,你面对电梯到达现场后,你应该可以进入手术深信您选择了最好的医生给你.
Take the time to close deals that have been up in the air. 花费一些时间去解决那些悬而未决的事情吧。
Take the time to explore this website and I look forward to welcoming you to the Southern Cross University student and Alumni community. 我期待着您的到来,加入我们其中,成为南十字星大学的一名学生以及未来的校友。
Take the time to get to know every one of your employees. 请花点时间来了解你的每一位员工。
Take the time to improve your search engine rankings. 花一些时间提高你的软件在搜索软件里的排名。

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