I've had enough.I'm totally full.
中文: 我已经吃饱拉.我真的饱了. 更详细进入...
If there was no suffering, we would be proud; no vicissitude, we won\'t comfort the unfortunate with compassion.
中文: 若没有苦难,我们会骄傲,没有沧桑,我们不会以同理心去安慰不幸的人。 更详细进入...
The so-called Rama Empireof Northern India and Pakistan developed at least fifteen thousand years ago on the Indian sub-continent and was a nation of many large, sophisticated cities, many of which are still to be found in the deserts of Pakistan, norther
中文: 北方印度的所谓“罗摩帝国”和巴基斯坦至少一万五千年前在印度的子大陆上及是一个大国家中发展过,饱经沧桑的城市多数可在巴基斯坦,印度北方和西部的沙漠中被发现。 更详细进入...
The uncontested force of nature is a phenomenon which is continually in evidence, its effects are reproduced year after year.
中文: 最能体现自然力无可抗拒的现象并不是那种历经数百年沧桑才发生变化,而是每年都要发生的自然景观。 更详细进入...
The cockroach has a rugged face and sunken eyes that seems to be hiding something,exactly alike Cang Li Man.
中文: 那头蟑螂有一张沧桑的脸,深陷的眼睛好像藏着什么东西,简直和仓里满一模一样。 更详细进入...
YangShuo Green Tree hotel lie scenery graceful west street sweet-scented osmanthus by the lake, China southern small town Ming and Qing Dynasties type architectural style, three-star enjoyment, 1/3 of the prices, the ones that made you fully experience th
中文: 阳朔玉兰阁酒店位于风景优雅的西街桂花湖旁边,中国南方小镇明清式建筑风格,因门前有株百年的玉兰树而得名,树下还有一口饱经历史沧桑的古井,令你充分体验中国式民居的安逸和舒适。 更详细进入...
I am accompanied by a red leaf which redden a piece of land, and the foot sound of time, after being rationally filtered, has decreased so many changes of human life.
中文: 有一片红叶相伴相依,红遍一方土地,让那岁月的足音,理性地过滤,消褪多少人生的沧桑。 更详细进入...
Advanced Sauna VIP rooms and excellent massage technician will make you feel vigorous and healthy on your travel.
中文: 高档桑拿贵宾房,优秀的按摩技师,让您在旅途中精神饱满,身心健康。 更详细进入...
The return of Hong Kong to the motherland after going through a century of vicissitudes, indicates that from new on , Hong Kong compatriots have become true masters of this Chinese land and that Hong Kong has entered a new era of development.
中文: 经历了百年沧桑的香港回归祖国,标志着香港同胞从此成为祖国这块土地上的真正主人,香港的发展从此进入一个崭新的时代。 更详细进入...
She overcame many adversities.
中文: 她饱经祸患而百折不挠. 更详细进入...
It is beyond all doubt that China, after a long period of lagging behind, will rise up in the future.
中文: 摘要历尽百年沧桑的中国未来实现复兴和崛起尽管不容置疑,但未来中国将以怎样的方式崛起? 更详细进入...
Its Edenic overtones are clear, the bright light of day contrasting with the film's darker themes, the poles of innocence and experience made to marry here, beneath the sign of the skull.
中文: 它的伊甸园式的暗示十分明显,白昼明亮的光与电影灰暗的主题形成对比,在头骨这个符号下,天真无邪与人生曾经的沧海桑田结合一起。 更详细进入...
Has the Spanish Market Peaked?
中文: 西班牙市场是否已经饱和? 更详细进入...
He was once the abusive scourge of referees.
中文: 他曾经因此饱受抨击和惩罚。 更详细进入...
His face bears the stamp of suffering.
中文: 他的脸上有饱经苦难的烙印。 更详细进入...
No more thank you, I'm full up.
中文: 不添了,谢谢,我已经吃饱喝足了. 更详细进入...
His weather-beaten face tells of a hard life.
中文: 他饱经风霜的脸说明艰苦的生活。 更详细进入...
It survived the dinosaurs. It survived an ice age. But will the majestic green s ea turtle survive us?
中文: 恐龙灭绝后海龟仍存活下来,并且挺过了冰河时期的沧桑巨变。而今,硕大肥美的绿海龟会不会葬送在我们的手里? 更详细进入...
The Bird Community Survey of Yunnan Lincang Airport
中文: 云南临沧机场鸟类调查 更详细进入...