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    Your trouble is you've got your priorities back to front!

    中文: 你因为本末倒置才出了麻烦! 更详细进入...
    Complex operation done per-pixel basis.

    中文: 逐象素基本要做的复杂操作。 更详细进入...
    You could have dinner in Chinatown and then, on the way back to your hotel, catch the last cable car after midnight: it´s not unusual for passengers who arrive late to have to hang on to the sides of the last car for the whole journey.

    中文: 你不妨在唐人街就餐,饭后赶午夜以后的末班缆车返回旅舍,晚到的乘客常常不得不抓着末班缆车的车侧走完全程。 更详细进入...
    I hear you're performing this weekend - break a leg!

    中文: 我听说本周末你有演出——好运啊! 更详细进入...
    The dwarfs would not be losers in a struggle for resources; rather the resources were not there to begin with.

    中文: 矮星并非竞逐资源下的失败者,而是这场竞逐根本就不存在。 更详细进入...
    Oh, yeah. The BCT is on the weekend.

    中文: 喔对,基本学力测验就在周末呢。 更详细进入...
    He was argumentative, loud and just plain rude. We bit our tongues the entire weekend to keep from telling him where to go!

    中文: 他好争论,大嗓门并且毫无礼貌。整个周末我们强忍住未向他下逐客令。 更详细进入...
    A rustic cottage; a country retreat.

    中文: 村舍村舍;乡间休养地 更详细进入...
    【Description】white or ashy-yellow crystalline powder.

    中文: 本品为白色或灰黄色结晶性粉末。 更详细进入...
    The handicapped man got a second-hand handout of shorthand handbook beforehand.

    中文: 残疾人事先得到了一本二手速记手册施舍品. 更详细进入...
    The cold weather will persist for the rest of the week.

    中文: 这种寒冷的天气将持续到本周末。 更详细进入...
    It extended to the dentino-cemental junction at the root dentin and the dentino-enamal junction at the coronal dentin.

    中文: 在冠部至釉牙本质界 ,在根部达牙本质小管末端。 更详细进入...
    Caroline:Don't you think this is putting the cart before the horse?

    中文: 凯罗兰:你不觉得那是本末倒置吗? 更详细进入...
    We are considering organizing an outing this weekend.

    中文: 我们在考虑本周末组织一次郊游. 更详细进入...
    It extended to the dentino-cemental junction to the root dentin and the dentino-enamal junction at the coronal dentin.

    中文: 在冠部至釉牙本质界 ,在根部达牙本质小管末端。 更详细进入...
    Emperor of Wu often hunted outside, so he built many luxury pavilions as residences for the aristocrat. And agricultural production was gradually developed.

    中文: 吴王常外出打猎,为此在今松江一带营建华亭,作为贵族们的馆舍,农事生产逐渐展开。 更详细进入...
    However, while Galliani would welcome Sheva back with open arms, Ancelotti was not so warm in his comments this weekend.

    中文: 虽然加利亚尼张开双臂欢迎舍瓦回来,但是安切洛蒂在周末表现得却不是那么的热心。 更详细进入...
    Save one meal once a week and give it to a beggar. When you hand out the meal, you hand out a love heart.

    中文: 一周省下一顿饭,把你原本打算要吃的东西送给一个乞丐,施舍饭菜的同时施舍一颗爱心。 更详细进入...
    I will recommend Joan to study this book on the weekend.

    中文: 这个周末我将会建议琼去读这本书。 更详细进入...
    The yield on the benchmark 10-year US Treasury ended the month at 5.04%.

    中文: 本月末基准10年期国债收益率为5.04%。 更详细进入...

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