“This is not the first halfling to have crossed your path.
中文: “这不是你遇到的第一个矮人吧。” 更详细进入...
A vast crowd turned out to watch the match.
中文: 大群的观众到场观看比赛。 更详细进入...
Among the popularization of varie- ties of Cotoneaster growing in Shanghai area, varieties of Cotoneaster are the nanism foliolar strain with extreme ornamental value.
中文: 在上海推广的种栒子中,有种是观赏价值较高的小叶系矮生种。 更详细进入...
A thicket of small trees or shrubs; a coppice.
中文: 矮林,萌生林一种小树丛或灌木丛;矮林 更详细进入...
The dwarfs would not be losers in a struggle for resources; rather the resources were not there to begin with.
中文: 矮星并非竞逐资源下的失败者,而是这场竞逐根本就不存在。 更详细进入...
Dwarven women are sturdy and nearly as tough as their men folk.
中文: 矮人女子几乎和他们的男性一样强壮。 更详细进入...
In the castle lived the Snow White with the seven dwarfs.
中文: (白雪公主和七个小矮人学住在城堡里。) 更详细进入...
The dwarf chuckled. No, boy. I was a thief!
中文: 矮人咯咯笑道,“不是的,小笨蛋。我是盗贼!” 更详细进入...
She is short and slim.
中文: 她又矮又瘦。 更详细进入...
I'm a little teapot, short and stout.
中文: 我是一把小茶壶我是一把小茶壶,矮矮胖胖。 更详细进入...
A select group of people were invited to the first performance.
中文: 经仔细挑选的一些人应邀观看了首场演出。 更详细进入...
On the other hand, dwarves never, ever surrender.
中文: 另一方面,矮人从来没有,绝对不会投降。 更详细进入...
STEVEN: Nope. He's too short. He's an inch shorter.
中文: 史蒂文:不,他太矮了,他比玛丽·贝思矮了一英寸。 更详细进入...
Fear ward(Dwarf) is no longer consumed by fear effects.
中文: 防护恐惧(矮人)受到恐惧时不再消耗结界。 更详细进入...
I see seven dwarfs, dancing with the wolves.
中文: 我看见七个小矮人,跟大野狼手牵手跳舞. 更详细进入...
The Wave Principle is a catalog of the ways that the crowd goes from the extreme point of pessimism at the bottom to the extreme point of optimism at the top.
中文: 波浪理论是人们情绪由市场处于底部时极度悲观向市场顶部时极端乐观变化的一系列轨迹。 更详细进入...
At first, the other races were not even aware of the dwarves.
中文: 最初,其他种族甚至不知道矮人族的存在。 更详细进入...
The bones reveal that women were sometimes fatter in relation to their height than men.
中文: 有时女人比男人显得胖一些,因为她们较矮,却体宽。 更详细进入...
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfsis an animated classic.
中文: 「白雪公主和七个小矮人」是一部动画经典。 更详细进入...
For a short person to be a good basketball player would not always be wishful thinking.
中文: 个子矮的人,要想篮球打得好,未必是空想。 更详细进入...