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The dwarf chuckled. No, boy. I was a thief!

The duty of an air hostess is to ensure passengers\'safety and comfort. 空中小姐的职责是确保旅客的安全与舒适。
The duty of care of the controlling shareholders to the third party is that they should possess the Duty of Care of kindhearted administrator when they handle company's general affairs. 控制股东对第三人的注意义务即为其处理公司事务时应尽善良管理人之谨慎义务。
The duty of the thought and polities teachers lies on the interpretation of the value and significance of Marxism to internalize it into the code of the students. 思想政治课教师的责任就是要将马克思主义的价值和意义阐释出来,使之内化为学生的人生准则。
The duty that we imported the spare parts can counteract the tax that we should pay, but the quits import duty is more than the tax we should pay ,the amount is minus. 由于我们进口备件的关税可以抵扣我们的应缴税金,而现在可抵扣的进口关税大于我们的应缴税金,所以这个数(应交税金)是负数。
The duty, rooted in medical ethic and civil law, includes disclosing medical information, prohibition against doing medical behaviors, for patients' economic benefit, and health benefit respectively, and prohibition against doing medical behaviors, for pa 医师的忠实义务源于医学伦理和民事法律,内容包括医疗信息公开,经济利益相反行为的禁止,健康利益相反行为的禁止,期待利益相反行为的禁止等。
The dwarf chuckled. No, boy. I was a thief! 矮人咯咯笑道,“不是的,小笨蛋。我是盗贼!”
The dwarf was so loud and so slow that a tortoise would not only have time to escape but to go around and warn a hundred of its closest neighbors before the dwarf caught up. 就凭矮人那么响的声音和他那么慢的动作,乌龟都有足够时间逃脱,还能去警告一百个邻居矮人就要过来了。
The dwarfs would not be losers in a struggle for resources; rather the resources were not there to begin with. 矮星并非竞逐资源下的失败者,而是这场竞逐根本就不存在。
The dwelling place of such a community. 修道院这种团体居住的场所
The dwelling zone is followed by a vertical return pin chain / stenter section, where the fabric is uniformly stretched during the gradual removal of the caustic content. 膨化反应区后是垂直针板链拉幅段,在这里织物一边被逐步去碱,一边被均匀地拉幅。
The dyadic Boolean operation whose result has the Boolean value 0 if and only if the first operand has the Boolean value 0 and the second has the Boolean value 1. 一种二元布尔运算,在这种运算中,当且仅当第一个操作数的布尔值为0,第二个操作数的布尔值为1时,其结果的布尔值才为0。

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