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    This is Jingembroidery with the design of A hundred children playing with the god of longevity,which symbilzes happiness, fortune, generational and longevity.

    中文: 此绣片为京绣,图案是百子戏寿星,它象征着幸福吉祥,多子多孙,长寿,具有较高的收藏价值,可挂在墙上作装饰用。 更详细进入...
    Empress Ma told him, It is everyone's wish that happiness will arrive in the New Year.

    中文: 马皇后忙对朱元璋说:“老百姓故意把福字贴倒了,是希望福到,这是大吉大利的意思呀。 更详细进入...
    Not hammer-strokes, but dance of the water sings the pebbles into perfection.

    中文: 不是槌的打击,乃是水的载歌载舞,使鹅卵石臻于完美。 更详细进入...
    The Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation protects the pensions of more than thirty-four million workers.

    中文: 退休福利保付公司保管着三千四百万工人的养老金。 更详细进入...
    Meet and you the person of concomitant whole life, 100 separately 100 grounds appreciate him for loving you, because you all got happiness and true love now.

    中文: 遇到和你相伴一生的人时,要百分百地感谢他爱你,因为你们现在都得到了幸福和真爱. 更详细进入...
    The race started in Philadelphia and will end 4200 miles later in California.

    中文: 比赛从费城出发,终点在四千两百英里远的加利福尼亚。 更详细进入...
    And yet God has blessed, just up to the measure of the faith and the zeal of His people.

    中文: (四)然而神仍然赐福,完全在于他百姓的信心与热心的程度。 更详细进入...
    Isaac planted crops in that land and the same year reaped a hundredfold, because the LORD blessed him.

    中文: 12以撒在那地耕种、那一年有百倍的收成。耶和华赐福给他。 更详细进入...
    It's cleaning the venetian blinds while listening to an aria, or spending a pleasant hour organizing your closet.

    中文: 一边听咏叹调一边清洗百叶窗帘是一种幸福;花点时间愉快地整理一下壁橱是一种幸福;与家人共进晚餐也是一种幸福。 更详细进入...
    MINGJUN Furniture is a subsidiarycompany of BAIXIN.The factory is professionally manufacturing woden-skinned board furniture(wood furniture), diningroom furniture, sideboard,enter tainment unit (entertainment cabinet, TV cabinet),wine cabinet,wall unit(di

    中文: 名俊家具是百信家具属下企业之一,我厂专业生产木皮板式家具(木制家具),如:餐台家具、餐具柜、地柜、酒柜、组合柜、茶几等。 更详细进入...
    The LORD Almighty will bless them, saying, Blessed be Egypt my people, Assyria my handiwork, and Israel my inheritance.

    中文: 25因为万军之耶和华赐福给他们,说,埃及我的百姓,亚述我手的工作,以色列我的产业,都有福了。 更详细进入...
    The dial indicators are equipped with shockproof mechanism to ensure the relable accuracy and long tool life.

    中文: 百分表具有防震机构,使用寿命长,精度可靠。 更详细进入...
    Bermudians tend to carry a flame for old houses,says Campbell, adding that they like to feel the historyof a house.

    中文: “百慕大的老式房屋最具风采,百慕大人喜欢品尝其中历史的味道,”坎贝拉说。 更详细进入...
    Then Isaac sowed in that land, and received in the same year an hundredfold: and the Lord blessed him.

    中文: 创26:12以撒在那地耕种、那一年有百倍的收成。耶和华赐福给他。 更详细进入...
    True to the tradition of the American millionaires, Edsel and Henry Ford II gave away half their fortune.

    中文: 埃塞尔和福特二世遵循美国百万富翁的传统,捐出了一半财产。 更详细进入...
    With the rapid development of molecular biological technology ,the method of cloning genes of venine tend to maturity.

    中文: 随着分子生 物学技术的迅猛发展,克隆蛇毒基因的方法也日臻成熟. 更详细进入...
    Four decades ago, forty percent had foreign language skills.

    中文: 而四十年前,百分之40的毕业生具有外语技能。 更详细进入...
    Belief in angels is highest — almost universal — among evangelical(3) Christians, 97 percent of whom trust in their existence, the poll indicates.

    中文: 调查显示,百分之九十七,几乎世界的福音派信徒相信天使的存在。 更详细进入...
    Awarding Ceremony for 2007 Forbes China Up and Comers 100.

    中文: 2007《福布斯》中文版中国最具潜力100中小企业颁奖典礼. 更详细进入...
    Article 180 The statutory welfare fund allocated by the company shall be used for the collective welfare of the workers thereof.

    中文: 第一百八十条:公司提取的法定公益金用于本公司职工的集体福利。 更详细进入...

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