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It's cleaning the venetian blinds while listening to an aria, or spending a pleasant hour organizing your closet.

It's cheaper to ship goods by road than by rail . 公路运输比铁路运输便宜.
It's cheaper to ship goods by road than by rail. 公路运输比铁路运输便宜.
It's chiffon. With this kind of material, you can dress up with a skirt or down with low-cut jeans. 雪纺纱。这种质料,配条裙子很正式,搭配低腰牛仔裤就很随意。
It's chilly. Don't stay out too long. 天很冷,不要在外面呆得太久。
It's clean and bright inside the dormitory. 宿舍里面清洁豁亮。
It's cleaning the venetian blinds while listening to an aria, or spending a pleasant hour organizing your closet. 一边听咏叹调一边清洗百叶窗帘是一种幸福;花点时间愉快地整理一下壁橱是一种幸福;与家人共进晚餐也是一种幸福。
It's clear that demand is increasing. 很明显需求在提升。
It's clear that her painting has been influenced by Picasso. 她的画显然受了毕加索的影响.
It's clear that multicore machines will be mainstream in the very near future and that programs will have to change to take full advantage of them. 清楚地是,在非常近的未来多核机器将成为主流,程序将不得不进行改变以充分利用它们。
It's clear that musical storytelling has been around for 2,500 years. But when did modern musicals first appear? And how did they evolve into today's international hits? 可以清楚地看到用音乐来表达(说)故事已经走过大约2,500多年的历史。那么现代音乐剧又在何时出现?它又如何演变成今天具有国际性的大热潮。
It's clear that she is a bashful girl. 很明显,她是个很害羞的女孩。

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