Walking in the rain is romantic.
中文: 雨中漫步很浪漫。 更详细进入...
Film showing: The Long Walk Home.
中文: 影片放映:《漫漫归途》。 更详细进入...
Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and his Palestinian counterpart Mahmoud Abbas have agreed to establish four joint committees to pave the way for a lasting peace in the Middle East.
中文: 以色列总理沙龙和巴勒斯坦总理阿巴斯达成协议举行第四次峰会,为中东铺平一条持久的和平道路。 更详细进入...
Theoretical Study and Simulation of Diffuse Lightfrom Biological Tissue
中文: 人体组织中光的漫反射理论与仿真研究 更详细进入...
He says the cartoons were published to trigger a confrontation between Muslims and Christians.
中文: 他说,发表漫画是为了引发穆斯林和基督徒之间的对立。 更详细进入...
The Woman Warrior and The Long Walk Home.
中文: 13《女战士》和《漫漫归途》。 更详细进入...
中文: 那斯达克保证条款/保证免责条款。 更详细进入...
Long boozy nights around the fire!
中文: 那些醉醺醺的漫漫长夜! 更详细进入...
Along with the Brothers Grimm, Hans Christian Andersen is recognized as a key figure in 19th-century romantic fiction.
中文: 汉斯·克里斯蒂安·安徒生与格林兄弟一起被视为十九世纪浪漫小说的主要人物。 更详细进入...
I stand alone in the darkness,
中文: 漫漫长夜中我独自徘徊, 更详细进入...
Maggie, Wales' first date, asked him to jump into the center of the lake in a park to show his sincerity,; the other date asked him to date in a casino like the recent James Bond movie – Casino Royal; another time, he went with a date to dive in a sea whe
中文: 威尔斯的第一个约会对象玛吉要求他跳到公园的湖中以示诚意;另一女子要求与威尔斯在赌场中进行詹姆斯?邦德式的约会;还与一位浪漫女子则带威尔斯到一处沉船地点“浪漫”潜水。 更详细进入...
The two major novelists of the Romantic period are Jane Austen and Walter Scott.
中文: 浪漫主义时期的代表小说家有简.奥斯汀与沃尔特.司各特. 更详细进入...
Zhang stands up slowly: Humph, ever since I've been here, I haven't passed an English language exam!
中文: 张丙慢条斯理地站起来说:哼,入学以来,我外语考试从来不及格! 更详细进入...
May all nights inspire love always.
中文: 漫漫长夜时时刻刻感到爱。 更详细进入...
The whole architecture is romantic, classic and absolutely vogue.
中文: 整体建筑理性中不失浪漫,经典而又绝对时尚。 更详细进入...
But there is still a long way to go; the much broader S&P 500 index[2] is 12% below its peak, and the NASDAQ composite is less than half its high.
中文: 但仍然是其路漫漫;覆盖面更广的标准普尔指数低于峰值12%,而纳斯达克综合指数不到原来最高点的一半。 更详细进入...
The clashes left smoke from burning cars and the sting of tear gas drifting through the harborfront area in the north German port of Rostock.
中文: 冲突造成车辆被烧毁,浓烟混合着催泪瓦斯刺激气味在罗斯托克北德港口前四处弥漫。 更详细进入...
Romeijn, H. Edwin. Global Optimization by Random Walk Sampling Methods.Amsterdam: Thesis Publishers, 1992.
中文: 《随机漫步取样方法的整体性最佳化》,阿姆斯特丹:论文出版社,1992。 更详细进入...
Adventure: The bariaur's wanderlust makes them an ideal adventurer.
中文: 冒险:半人羊的漫游癖使得他们成为理想的冒险者。 更详细进入...
To avoid this, expansion has often been timed to coincide with treaty changes: a key motive for the treaties of Maastricht, Amsterdam and Nice was the knowledge that the east Europeans were waiting in the wings.
中文: 为了避免此类情形,扩张的时机往往与条约修订不谋而合:马斯特里赫特、阿姆斯特丹和尼斯三大条约的相继出台,其关键动机在于迎合东欧人整装待发的心理。 更详细进入...