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    It is no less figurative than metaphor.

    中文: 它的修辞性不比隐喻少。 更详细进入...
    But Starbucks held an inexplicable attraction for me.

    中文: (但是,对我来说,明星咖啡连锁公司有不可言喻的吸引力。) 更详细进入...
    The key to understanding metaphorical utterance is to find the optimum relevance between metaphorical utterance and its cognitive context.

    中文: 理解隐喻性话语的关键就是在隐喻性话语与认知语境之间寻求最佳关联。 更详细进入...
    At the immortal touch of thy hands my little heart losts its limits in joy and gives birth to utterance ineffable.

    中文: 我的小巧的心,在你不朽的抚摸下,欢乐无比,产生不可言喻的词句。 更详细进入...
    The present article reports a teaching experiment which indicates that various figurative expressions can often be traced back to a common metaphoric theme or source domain, with which a lexical organization can facilitate retention of unfamiliar figurati

    中文: 教学实验表明:很多比喻性用语往往可以追溯到一个共同的喻题或源域,用喻题或源域来对词汇进行归类有助于记忆生疏的比喻性用语。 更详细进入...
    But (a big, big but) metonymy is not a grammatical category.

    中文: 转喻并不是一个语法范畴。 更详细进入...
    Zhu Da's drawing language displays obvious metaphorical characteristics: Preserving life is the psychological reason for which metaphorical characteristics form; the image of Supercilious Look to Humanconstitutes a vivid series of the metaphorical style;

    中文: 摘要朱耷的绘画语言呈现出明显的隐喻特点:求生保命是隐喻形成的心理动因,“白眼向人”式形象构成隐喻风格的形象系列,简约是隐喻画风的主要表现。 更详细进入...
    Bearing much connotation of national culture, the styles of metaphor in each and every nation are different.

    中文: 隐喻承载了大量的民族文化内涵,所以各民族的隐喻方式不同。 更详细进入...
    As the feedback part of data fusion system, the importance of sensor management is self-evident.

    中文: 传感器管理作为数据融合系统的反馈环节,其重要性不言而喻。 更详细进入...
    “Nice to meet you too, hot stuff.” He chuckle. Gee, I like that way he smiles.

    中文: 「我也一样,了不起的家伙!!(暗喻:性感的家伙;暗喻中的暗喻:色鬼!!)」他咯咯的轻笑著。啊!!我就爱他这个表情。 更详细进入...
    [KJV] How that he was caught up into paradise, and heard unspeakable words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter.

    中文: 他被提到乐园里去,听见了难以言喻的话,那是人不可以说的。 更详细进入...
    Something, such as corrective discipline or punishment, that is unpleasant but necessary or unavoidable.

    中文: (喻)药某种令人不快的但却必需的或不可避免的东西,例如矫正性惩罚 更详细进入...
    With English and Chinese simile as the research topic, this paper discusses the similarities and differences in the use of simile between the two languages.

    中文: 本文以英语的明喻和汉语的明喻为主题,探讨不同民族在使用明喻时的共同点和不同点,从一个侧面对语言进行对比研究。 更详细进入...
    The function of metaphor in the process of generalization is illustrated, as well as the possibilities of metaphors to be understood and accepted.

    中文: 隐喻的运作过程就是对语义或语域的偏离,而对隐喻的理解过程就是消除偏离的过程。 更详细进入...
    Timing, however, is notoriously difficult.

    中文: 然而,时局的艰难已是不言而喻。 更详细进入...
    Despite his nonchalance, however, he is inexplicably fixated on his own past, an obsession which makes him blind to things and at times even hysterical.

    中文: 然而如此潇灑的人,却对自己的身世有无可理喻的偏执,在自己的执著里变得盲目和歇斯底理。 更详细进入...
    Based upon the theory of concepual metaphor and image schema by Lakoff &Johnson, a contrastive analysis of UNDER/SOUS/XIA MIANfrom English, French and Chinese is made hereby in order to probe into how this word was created and metaphorically extended in C

    中文: 本文根据莱考夫和约翰逊的概念隐喻理论和意象图式理论,运用英、法、汉语语料,对基本隐喻概念衍导出有关空间走向的方位隐喻词语“UNDER/SOUS/下面”进行对比研究,旨在探讨中、西不同文化对该词语意义产生和拓展的理据。 更详细进入...
    Becauseof it convertibility feature, many investors liken them to warrantswhen actually they are not.

    中文: 因为它的可兑换性,有很多投资者来比喻他们权证时,其实却不然. 更详细进入...
    It is not easy to make a simile go on all fours.

    中文: 一个比喻要完全贴切是不容易的。 更详细进入...
    This is the simile of what I have just given to you.

    中文: 不过这是我已经给予你们的明喻。 更详细进入...

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