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The present article reports a teaching experiment which indicates that various figurative expressions can often be traced back to a common metaphoric theme or source domain, with which a lexical organization can facilitate retention of unfamiliar figurati

The present article analyzed the current circumstances and problems on the disclosure of information in financial reports by medical colleges and put forward some suggestions on the principles and contents of information disclosure in financial reports by 摘要本文分析了高等医学院校财务报告信息披露的现状及存在的问题,对医学院校财务报告信息披露应遵循的原则及具体内容提出了改进意见。
The present article arms at summariging the problemes of relativety large stress and deformation caused by the temperature variation, difficulties of manufacturing and maintaining, and the new demands of cabin design from the new method for life saving, e 本文针对飞机活动座舱盖使用中因温度变化引起较大应力和变形、生产和维修困难、新的救生方式对舱盖设计提出新的要求等问题,从应力、生产、维护和新设计要求四个方面分析比较了各连接形式的优劣。
The present article discusses the causes and ways of development and formation of the newest words, and predicts optimistically the tendencies of development for the English vocabulary. 本文从语言发展视角探讨了最新英语词汇的产生原因、发展途径和构成方法,并对词汇的发展前景做了乐观预测。
The present article goes further into the changes of the historical geography of the ancient XI Ou within the boundaries of Guangxi on what has already been researched, with the great historical events taking place in Guangxi history as its basis. 摘要本文在前人研究的基础上,以广西历史上发生的重大历史事件为依据,探讨广西境内古西瓯历史地理的变迁。
The present article is a review on sever1 active domains of latest development in cell apoptosis. 本文旨在对近几年来对细胞凋亡的最新进展中的几个活跃领域作一回顾。
The present article reports a teaching experiment which indicates that various figurative expressions can often be traced back to a common metaphoric theme or source domain, with which a lexical organization can facilitate retention of unfamiliar figurati 教学实验表明:很多比喻性用语往往可以追溯到一个共同的喻题或源域,用喻题或源域来对词汇进行归类有助于记忆生疏的比喻性用语。
The present article reviews recent advances in synthesis of biodegradable polyesters, which include aliphatic polyester and polyester containing aromatic constituents, by polycondensation from the standpoint of molecular design. 摘要本文从分子设计的角度,综述了缩聚法合成生物可降解聚酯的研究进展,涉及脂肪族聚酯和含有芳香组分聚酯的合成。
The present article,based on the resource sharing,integration of personnel and the possible conflict after integration,puts forward the Scientific construction and standardized administration of centralized laboratory center. 结合医学综合实验中心的资源共享,人员整合,以及整合后可能存在的矛盾,提出了实验中心科学建设的方法、管理措施的规范化方案。
The present book tells how the Eastern Qing Mausoleum was robbed by warlord Sun Dianying in the 1930s. 本书讲述了军阀孙殿英如何在清东陵炸陵盗墓、劈棺抛尸、洗劫地宫珍宝的过程。
The present chairperson is a woman. 现在的主席是一名妇女。
The present city is characteristic of a fortified town dating from the Ottoman 18th and 19th centuries, with typical urban components such as the citadel, mosques, khans and baths. 现在的城市是土耳其人18到19世纪之后建立发展的,拥有保存完好的城堡、清真寺、商栈和土耳其浴室等建筑。

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