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But (a big, big but) metonymy is not a grammatical category.

Busy soul has no time to be busybody. 大忙人是没工夫管闲事的。
Busy streets will be hosed every other day instead of weekly. 人多的街道会每天清洗,不像以前般每周才清洗一次。
Busyness in the King's business is no excuse for neglecting the King. 在王的事上,不能把忙碌当成忽视王的借口。
But technologydoes not include technology in the public domainnor basic scientific research. 但“技术”不包括“公开领域技术”或“基础科学研究”中的技术。
But (Mister Roberts )had a similar event fourteen years ago. Experts say a person who have two or more unexplained (seizures ) is considered to have (epilepsy). 但是罗伯特先生在14年前发生过类似的情况。专家表示如果一个人曾发生两次或两次以上不明原因的抽搐,则可以被认为是羊癫疯。
But (a big, big but) metonymy is not a grammatical category. 转喻并不是一个语法范畴。
But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works. 10只要有善行。这才与自称是敬神的女人相宜。
But , of the average tinned or glass packed strawberry jam , you need half a cupful to get the idea of what you're eating . 但是一般的罐头或瓶装草毒酱你得吃上半茶杯才知道自己吃的是什么。
But ,the right fielder understood what the pitcher's intentions were, so he threw the ball high and far over the third baseman's head. 但右外野手明白投手的意思,所以他把球抛得远远的,高过三垒手的头。
But ,we don't have better solutions ,isn't it ? 我们找不出更好的办法了。
But - and really it is not too big a but - it does seem that the balance of probability is firmly tilted towards the supposition that Atlantis was more than a legend; that, in reality, it was a historical fact. 但是-而且真的它不太大一但是-它确实像是可能性的平衡,坚定地向亚特兰提斯是超过一个传说的想像方面倾斜;事实上,它就是一种历史的事实。

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