Everyone has a Buddha nature, and a Bodhisattva's strength and spirit.
中文: 人人本具菩萨心,也具有和菩萨同等的精神与力量。 更详细进入...
A relief image of a bodhisattva, most likely Avalokiteshvara, from a temple at Jiuhuashan.
中文: 菩萨(大概是观世音菩萨),在九华山上一座寺庙的浮雕。 更详细进入...
We are bodhisattva (bodhisatta) children who cultivate virtues of the Buddha,who please under the bo-tree and who memorize teaching of the Buddha.
中文: 在佛陀教化下,我们快乐地菩提树下学习佛陀教诲,我们都是小小菩萨(菩萨种子)。 更详细进入...
“He is pray to Namo Great Mercy Kwan-yin.
中文: “他正念南无大悲观世音菩萨。” 更详细进入...
I then read the story of Taktugnu ( Who Weeps Perpetually).
中文: 于是我读了常啼菩萨的故事。 更详细进入...
Learn the tolerance of Maitreya Bodhisattva, be magnanimous and open-minded.
中文: 学习弥勒菩萨的胸怀,宽容豁达。 更详细进入...
Sakyamuni is the Buddha in the Land of Saha (World of Reality) together with Manjusri in the left and Samantabhadra in the right as retinues.
中文: 释迦牟尼佛为娑婆世界的教主,故居于中;其左胁侍为文殊菩萨,其右胁侍为普贤菩萨。 更详细进入...
Emulate the compassion of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, show concern for sentient beings.
中文: 效法观音菩萨的慈悲,憨念大众。 更详细进入...
Follow the wisdom of Manjusri Bodhisattva, keep away from troubles and defilement.
中文: 具备文殊菩萨的智慧,远离恼害。 更详细进入...
The grand golden Buddhist statue was set up in 1997.
中文: 那宏伟的菩萨金像于1997年落成. 更详细进入...
They forsake everything for the benefit of others.
中文: 菩萨为了利益他人而舍弃一切。 更详细进入...
How to Become a Bodhisattva : An eloquent summary of the practitioner's path from the development of Bodhicitta to Buddhahood by Yogi Chen.
中文: 如何成为菩萨:陈上师所写有关行者如何在菩提道上发展菩提心直至成佛的概要。 更详细进入...
She is a celestial bodhisattva and an ascended master.
中文: 她是天上的菩萨和已提升的大师。 更详细进入...
Maitreya Bodhisattva (Sanskrit) or Metteyya Bodhisatta is the future Buddha in Buddhist eschatology.
中文: 弥勒菩萨在佛教末世学中未来的佛。 更详细进入...
The whole group got down on their knees to plead Ksitigarbha to forgive Diao.
中文: 同来的人跪在地藏菩萨前,请他原谅刁。 更详细进入...
Compassion in action will harmonize those who study with such a Bodhisattva.
中文: 行动中的同情将使学习者与菩萨协调。 更详细进入...
As the Bodhisattva of Compassion, She hears the cries of all beings.
中文: 作为慈悲的菩萨,她听所有生命的哭喊声。 更详细进入...
Every child is a little bodhisattva that helps the parents grow.
中文: 每一个孩子,都是帮助父母成长的小菩萨。 更详细进入...
As a Bodhisattva, he would usually be standing, and dressed in jewels.
中文: 作为一位菩萨,他通常是站立着,穿戴着宝石。 更详细进入...
Compassion is a prerequisite to mastering the upper initiations of the Bodhisattva.
中文: 同情是掌握菩萨较高提升阶段的先诀条件。 更详细进入...