Did you sayan ounce of flour?
中文: 你说“一盎司面粉”了吗? 更详细进入...
Having the back showing or in view of the observer.
中文: 背面的显露出背面的或背对观察者的 更详细进入...
Quik Detailer is available in both 16 oz., 24 oz. spray bottles.
中文: 快速护理液有16盎司、24盎司喷雾瓶状的包装。 更详细进入...
Reverse Side Markings of Vest Quick ReleaseBuckle.
中文: 图六:背心快拆扣背面刻印。 更详细进入...
You have tainted the power of the Scion; In betraying your fellow Kings you have broken the sacred Triumvirate of Atlantis.
中文: 你玷污了司祭盎的力量;你背叛了自己的同伴,破坏了神圣的亚特兰蒂斯三执政体。 更详细进入...
An ounce in liquid measure is different from an ounce in dry measure.
中文: 在一盎司液体的份量不同于一盎司乾式的份量。 更详细进入...
Can you endorse the back of the check, please?
中文: 可以麻烦你在支票背面签名背书吗? 更详细进入...
The longest diameter of this oval shape is oriented front to back, and the broadest part of the oval is against the mother's back.
中文: 牠们的横切面也是卵形,长轴正对著腹面与背面,卵圆最宽的一端贴近背面。 更详细进入...
One pound troy contains12 OZ.
中文: 一金衡磅有十二盎司。 更详细进入...
An ounce of discretion is worth a pound of wit.
中文: 一盎司慎重等于一磅机智。 更详细进入...
Does the dress hook at the back or at the side?
中文: 这衣服是要钩在背面或侧面呢? 更详细进入...
What's got to do with you? This Scion belongs to Natla; Face it, you got no business here.
中文: 和你又有什么关系?司祭盎是纳特拉的;面对现实吧,这儿没你什么事。 更详细进入...
An ounce of prudence is worth a pound of gold.
中文: 一盎司谨慎抵得上一磅黄金。 更详细进入...
And the Scion holds its history.
中文: 而司祭盎保存着它的历史。 更详细进入...
Drink eight, 8-oz. glasses of water per day.
中文: 每天喝八瓶八盎司的水。 更详细进入...
These labels have gum on the back.
中文: 这些标签背面有胶水。 更详细进入...
Dorsiventral Describing a structure that has distinct upper and lower surfaces. A dorsiventrally flattened structure has flat dorsal and ventral surfaces and very narrow lateral surfaces.
中文: 异面(背腹型):指上下表面结构具有明显差异。异面平滑结构指有平滑的背、腹面,以及非常狭窄的侧表面。 更详细进入...
An ounce of sugar has about 100 calories.
中文: 一盎司的糖含约100大卡的热量. 更详细进入...
One pound troy contains 12 ounces or 5760 grains.
中文: 一金衡磅等于十二盎司或5760喱。 更详细进入...
How to pronounce the noun ouncein the announcement?
中文: 布告中的名词盎司怎样发音? 更详细进入...