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One pound troy contains 12 ounces or 5760 grains.

One possible step is for countries to replace quotas with subsidies for their producers of films and television shows. 许多国家也许可以采用一种办法,就是以补助电影与电视节目制作人的方式,来取代配额制。
One possible use is in designing the shape of airplane wings. 一个可能的运用就是针对飞机机翼外形的设计。
One possible way of doing this is to interconnect Michel Foucault's theory of self-cultivation and Adorno's aesthetic theory, Foucault's concept of self-creation and Adorno's concept of the artwork. 切入此问题的一种方式在于连接法国哲学家傅柯的修养论与阿多诺美学理论,即在于傅柯自我创造说与阿多诺艺术作品理论的交错。
One potential drug could interfere with the proteins' activity in a way that would force the entry vacuole to fuse with lysosomes, triggering an immune attack right after the chlamydiae invade the cell. 其中一种的可能作用,在于干扰这些蛋白质的活性,迫使入侵囊泡与溶小体融合,而在披衣菌侵入细胞后,即迅速引发免疫攻击。
One potter threw himself into a blazing kiln and perished to underline his fellows' plight. 一名窑工跳入砖窑的熊熊火焰中,他的自尽反而陷其他窑工于困境。
One pound troy contains 12 ounces or 5760 grains. 一金衡磅等于十二盎司或5760喱。
One pound troy contains12 OZ. 一金衡磅有十二盎司。
One powerful way to evoke compassion is to think of others as exactly the same as you. 激起慈悲心的有效方法,就是把别人想成完全跟你一样。
One practical application of AI has been in the area of expert systems. 人工智慧的一个实际应用领域是专家系统。
One practical outcome of the program is a cadre of trained mediators, an essential element in any peace process, who can address the root causes of conflict and develop effective models of cooperation. 这计划的一项实际成果,是一群核心的受过训的调停干部,他们是任何和平过程中基本成员,他们可针对冲突的根本原因而研拟出有效的合作模式。
One practise which is particularly useful is to delegate the agreed solution to the individual or sub-group who made the original error. 把得到认同的问题解决方案委派给犯错的个人或者分支团队的实际效果非常明显。

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