He's rather pompous.' Isn't he just?(ie He certainly is!)'
中文: `他有点儿傲气.'`可不是吗!' 更详细进入...
Not because I'm proud, in fact, in front of you, I cede all my pride.
中文: 这不是因为我的骄傲,事实上,在你面前,我毫无骄傲可言。 更详细进入...
Conceit is the most incurable disease that is known to the human soul.
中文: 骄傲自满是精神上最不可救药的顽症。 更详细进入...
Praise will only feed her pride.
中文: 赞美将只会助长她的骄傲。 更详细进入...
Ducks are good at swimming.
中文: 不要太骄傲! 更详细进入...
He's such a little squirt.
中文: 他年纪不大,傲气不小。 更详细进入...
Working people: The dreaded word classis omitted from this phrase by politicians in an attempt not to appear patronising, and as a result ends up being even more so.
中文: 劳动人民:阶级这个词,政治家不可轻易使用,以避免显得居高自傲。结果呢?显得更傲慢! 更详细进入...
If you don’t, he says you are proud.
中文: 如果不好,他说你骄傲。 更详细进入...
Arrogant or proud; conceited.
中文: 骄傲的傲慢的或骄傲的;自负的 更详细进入...
Be confident, but avoid the trap of arrogance. Be modest, but avoid the error of self-contempt.
中文: 自尊要防止傲慢,傲慢不能进步;自谦要防止自卑,自卑不能成功。 更详细进入...
If you Don't , he says you are PROUD .
中文: 对他不好,他说妳骄傲。 更详细进入...
Pride and grace dwell never in one place.
中文: 傲慢与优雅决不共存。 更详细进入...
We have heard of the pride of Moab-He is extremely proud-Of his loftiness and his pride and his arrogance And of the haughtiness of his heart.
中文: 29我们听说摩押的骄傲,是极其骄傲;听说过他的狂傲、骄傲、狂妄、并心中的高傲。 更详细进入...
She is too proud to accept charity.
中文: 她太骄傲,不肯接受救济。 更详细进入...
He may well be proud of his success.
中文: 他获得那样的成功是可以骄傲的。 更详细进入...
The state or quality of being arrogant; overbearing pride.
中文: 傲慢处于傲慢的状态或品质;专横的傲慢 更详细进入...
To be proud of knowledge is to be blind with light; to be proud of virtue is to poison yourself with the antidote.
中文: 以有知识而自傲是不懂知识;以有美德而自傲是败坏美德。 更详细进入...
Pride may lurk under a threadbare cloak.
中文: 骄傲可能会潜藏在穿旧的斗篷下。 更详细进入...
Proud, Haughty, Scorner are the names Of him who works in the arrogance of pride.
中文: 24行事骄傲而狂妄的,他的名叫傲慢、高傲、亵慢。 更详细进入...
Not a boast, sir, but a course.
中文: (不是骄傲,先生,是一个课程。) 更详细进入...