英文: On the occasion of 2006 China&Italy Culture Year, the successful holding of this self-driving activity, as the sweet overture of the Culture Year, will not only set up a friendship bridge across Europe and Asia, but deepen the friendship between the peopl
中文: 值此“2006中意文化年”之际,本次活动的成功举办,将作为“文化年”的美好序曲,不仅将架起一座横跨欧亚大陆的友谊之桥,更将加深中意两国人民的友好情谊,还将把灿烂的中国文化传播到车队所经过的每一个地方。
英文: Self-driving in winter is not allowed, but in summer, small cars which less than 22 sets is allowed to drive into the view area, be more careful while driving ,for there are many rounds.
中文: 为了安全冬季自驾车不能进入景区,夏季22座以下车可直接开进景区,但由于景区内弯道较多,请注意安全。