英文: Even in tasks where they do well, women seem to shy away from competition, whereas men seem to enjoy it too much.
中文: 即使对于非常胜任的工作,女性也不太喜欢参与竞争,但是男性却过分享受竞争的感觉.
英文: As much as you'll want to believe in someone who is promising you the world you are best to shy away and protect your heart.
中文: 双鱼座:虽然你想去相信那个承诺了你整个世界的人,还是最好回避一下,保护一下自己的心。
英文: As some EU members shy away from yet further enlargement of their club, they risk provoking an anti-Western backlash in one aspirant country, Turkey.
中文: 当一些欧洲国家不愿进一步扩大其俱乐部时,他们所冒的风险是引起土耳其这个野心国家的激烈反应。
英文: Democrats may shy away from simple tariffs, but they still bash trade by other means.
中文: 民主或许会远离那些纯粹的关税,不过私底下依然会有冲击贸易的其他手段。
英文: Earl: It seems that girls shy away from careers in science and math.
中文: 俄尔:女性似乎不愿从事着重科学、数学的职业。