英文: A newcomer to New York ended up in hospital suffering from frostbite and dehydration after he left his brother's house for a stroll and spent the next five days hopelessly lost.
中文: 一名初到纽约的圭亚那男子在哥哥家附近散步时走失,经过5天的流浪后,这名男子终于因冻伤和脱水躺在了医院,而这场痛苦的经历都归咎于他太过害羞的性格。
英文: Although China has been leading the world in the proper use of organic manures and fertilizers in China, like the rest of Asia (other than Japan), is a newcomer in the field of chemical fertilizer use.
中文: 虽然中国在合理使用有机肥料方面在全世界独树一帜,但中国和其他亚洲国家(日本除外)一样在化肥使用方面起步较晚。
英文: As a newcomer for the movie industry, he co-stared with one of the most experienced actress Deanie Yip and with his excellent and natural performance, he and Deanie had shown us the most touching and tear-drawing mother-and-son relationship.
中文: 当时加入电影圈不久的刘德华跟叶德娴饰演母子,虽然初出茅庐,然而其精湛的演技绝不逊色于前辈级的叶德娴,更与她演绎出一段感人至深、赚人热泪的母子情。
英文: Baptized in 1988. I have served as cell group leader, chairperson of fellowship, deacon of finance (95,96) and co-worker for newcomer welcome team.
中文: 1988年于本教会受洗,曾担任小组长、团契主席、教会会计执事(95,96)、迎新同工等。
英文: B:Have you met my teammate David, a newcomer in our team?
中文: 你见过我的队友大卫吗?他是新选手。