英文: Comparing the dog sequence data with current drafts of the human and mouse genome sequences showed that the dog lineage was the first to diverge from the common ancestor of the three species, and that the human and dog are much more similar to each other
中文: 他们在《科学》杂志上发表的结果中提到:“通过比较狗基因组序列数据和现有的人类基因组草图以及老鼠的基因组序列,结果显示狗类家族首先从三者共同的祖先中分离出来,在遗传等级上狗比老鼠更接近人类,与人类更相似。”
英文: And while those interests converge usefully on some points –antidescrimination, open immigration –they diverge on many others.
中文: 这些利害关系虽然对部分议题看法一致(例如:反歧视、开放移民),却又在其它许多方面意见分歧。
英文: As one retail boss puts it, views diverge widely: “They [the manufacturers] see China as a threat and we see China as an opportunity”.
中文: 正如一位零售业老板所说,观点分歧很大:“他们(制造商)把中国看成是威胁,我们把中国看成是机会。”
英文: But then our visions of the future began to diverge and eventually we had a falling out.
中文: 是这样,随著苹果公司越做越大,我们聘了一位我认为非常有才华的人与我一道管理公司。
英文: But with the renminbi not freely convertible and China's stock markets isolated from international capital flows, valuations diverge widely.
中文: 但由于人民币无法自由兑换,加之国际资金无法参与中国内地股市,因此,两地股票价格差距颇大。