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environmental monitoring


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英文: 1 Any changes to the Environmental Monitoring and Audit arrangement as required under the Environmental Schedule contained in the EIA Report (hereinafter referred to as the Environmental Schedule) or under the Implementation Schedule submitted shall be ju

中文: 所提交的环境计划或实施时间表如有需要对环境监察及审核安排作任何更改,须经由环境监察及审核报告载明的独立环境查核人提供充分理由支持并加以核证,然后提交署长批准。        更详细...
英文: 1 The Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) requirements shall be implemented as set out in the EM&A Manual submitted to the Director on 22 October 1999 and the monthly EM&A Reports unless the changes are justified in the monthly EM&A Reports submissi

中文: 环境监察及审核的规定,须按于1999年10月22日提交署长的环境监察及审核手册及每月的环境监察及审核报告订明的要求执行,除非在执行前,拟议的更改在提交的每月环境监察及审核报告已获得充分理由支持并经由独立环境查核人核证,以及获得署长批准。        更详细...
英文: 2 The Environmental Monitoring and Audit requirements shall be implemented as set out in the Environmental Schedule of the EIA Report and the monthly Environmental Monitoring and Audit Reports unless the changes are justified in the monthly Environmental

中文: 环境监察及审核的规定,须按环评报告中环境计划及每月环境监察及审核报告订明的要求执行,除非拟议的更改在提交的每月环境监察及审核报告获得充分理由支持并经由独立环境查核人核证,以及获得署长批准。        更详细...
英文: 5 Ten copies of monthly Environmental Monitoring and Audit Reports verified by the Independent Environmental Checker shall be submitted to the Director within 10 working days from the end of the reporting month.

中文: 在报告月份最后的10个工作天内,须向署长提交10份由独立环境查核人核证的每月环境监察及审核报告。        更详细...
英文: Abstract: Various parameters concerning water quality and atmosphere in environmental monitoring and control and the applications of sensors in this field is introduced.The fundamental principles of optic fibre sensors,thick film micro-sensors,biosensors,

中文: 文摘:介绍了环境监控中水质和大气两个主要方面所涉及的参数及传感器在该领域中的应用,并简单的描述了光纤、厚膜微型电极、生物、电化学、光、半导体氧化物等六类传感器的基本原理。        更详细...

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