英文: [bbe] And Jesus came to them and said, All authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth.
中文: 耶稣进前来、对他们说、天上地下所有的权柄、都赐给我了。
英文: [bbe] And Paul said, I am before the seat of Caesar's authority where it is right for me to be judged: I have done no wrong to the Jews, as you are well able to see.
中文: 保罗说、我站在该撒的堂前、这就是我应当受审的地方.我向犹太人并没有行过甚麽不义的事、这也是你明明知道的。
英文: [bbe] And the Lord said to Moses, Send for seventy of the responsible men of Israel, who are in your opinion men of weight and authority over the people; make them come to the Tent of meeting and be there with you.
中文: 耶和华对摩西说、你从以色列的长老中招聚七十个人、就是你所知道作百姓的长老和官长的、到我这里来、领他们到会幕前、使他们和你一同站立。
英文: [bbe] If only I had authority over this people! I would put Abimelech out of the way, and I would say to Abimelech, Make your army strong, and come out.
中文: 惟愿这民归我的手下、我就除掉亚比米勒.迦勒又对亚比米勒说、增添你的军兵出来罢。
英文: [bbe] So she sent a letter in Ahab's name, stamped with his stamp, to the responsible men and the chiefs who were in authority with Naboth.
中文: 于是托亚哈的名写信,用王的印印上,送给那些与拿伯同城居住的长老贵胄。