英文: A high resting pulse rate, which can be a manifestation of increased sympathetic nervous activity, is a well-known predictor of subsequent hypertension.
中文: 静息脉率加快可能是交感神经活动增强的表示,它也是众所周知的高血压先兆。
英文: Abstract 7 of 12 Planning with ecological footprints: a sympathetic critique of theory and practice.
中文: 用生态足迹规划:一个富于同情心的(善意的)现实和理论批评。
英文: According to his lawsuit, the farmer claims that fireworks set off by the boys made the previously lustful Gustav both apathetic and depressed, and thus unable to perform for a half-a-year with his two female breeding partners.
中文: 加贝尔表示,那些男孩燃放的鞭炮令原本一向在性方面生龙活虎的古斯塔夫突然变得缺乏性趣且情绪低落起来,以至于在接下来的半年时间里它始终无法与该农场内的2只雌性鸵鸟亲热。
英文: “And the Emperor Alexander,” she said with the pathetic note that always accompanied all her references to the imperial family, “has declared his intention of leaving it to the French themselves to choose their own form of government.
中文: “亚历山大皇帝宣称,”她怀有一谈起皇室就会流露的忧郁心情说,“他让法国人自己选择政体形式,我深信,毫无疑义,只要解脱篡夺王位的贼寇的羁绊,举国上下立刻会掌握在合法的国王手上。”
英文: (his is true, is also a pathetic history!This is ours humiliation.
中文: 这是真实的,也是悲惨的历史!这是我们的耻辱。