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full charge

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英文: A typical scenario is that you have been using a notebook or Tablet PC on the battery for several months and you notice that it does not last as long on a single full charge as it used to.

中文: 一个典型的情况是你在电池模式下使用笔记本或者掌上电脑几个月后,你将会留意到电池充满电以后持续使用时候不如以前一样长。        更详细...
英文: CMP battery uses the imported, original and high-capacity cell, after full charge of the battery, the using time is longer than the original, and the platform of discharge is high.

中文: CMP电池采用进口原装高容量电芯,电池满充电后使用时间比原配电池时间长,放电平台高。        更详细...
英文: CMP has the function of high capacity to self-study, resume automatically, when it shows the error of the capacity information due to your wrong operation, you only need to do full charge and full discharge twice to three times, it will be work properly a

中文: 六、CMP特有智能容量自学习、自恢复功能,当充电由于非正确使用造成的电池量信息使用错误时,您只需对电池进行两至三次完全充放电循环即可恢复正常。        更详细...
英文: Recollection brought fresh waves of sorrow, and sobs again took full charge of him, preventing further speech.

中文: 回忆掀起了他新的悲伤狂涛,一阵猛烈的啜泣,噎得他说不下去了。        更详细...
英文: Reconditioning your battery can increase the full charge capacity of your battery. It is recommended that you let the battery run to less than 3% at least once a month.

中文: 修复电池可以延长电池的寿命,建议你每月一次让电池在低于3%的电量下运行。        更详细...

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