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South America


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英文: 15 species from philippine and Malaysia to New Guinea,and also in Central and South America and Africa.The name of Telentang used in Malay language areas,while in New Guinea Campnosperma,generic name,used.Usually wood of large diameter imported from Sabah

中文: 此属合计15种﹐分布区域由菲律宾、马来西亚以及巴布亚新几内亚﹐同时在中南美洲与非洲亦有分布﹐台湾进口此类大径木殆半沙巴与巴布亚新几内亚﹐但数量不大﹐中、小径木则由西部加里曼丹﹐蓄积量在巴布亚新几内亚较丰富。        更详细...
英文: Ada wishes to become a doctor and hopes to improve the lives of the underprivileged in the rural areas of Chinese Mainland, SE Asia, North Africa and South America by joining the Medicins sans Frontieres.

中文: 翠莲希望能成为一位医生,并加入「无国界医生」,替中国内地、东南亚、北非及南美贫穷偏远地区的人民服务,改善他们的生活。        更详细...
英文: Argentina is the second largest country in South America and boasts a little bit of everything, from mountains to coastline.

中文: 阿根廷是南美洲第二大国,自称坐拥从山丘到海洋的一切资源。        更详细...
英文: At the turn of the century,an expedition under the leadership of a maverick academic,Professor Challenger,leaves smog-choked London for the rainforests of South America in search of a mythical land-where it is said that time has stood still and where dino

中文: 在世纪交接之时,著名学者车伦卓教授领导一个科学考察团,离开烟雾弥漫的伦敦,远赴南美雨林寻找传说之地-那里时光停顿,恐龙仍遍布大地。        更详细...
英文: Bill Weasley had a penfriend from Brazil who became upset when Bill couldn't travel all the way to South America for a visit, so this person send him a cursed hat which made his ears shrivel up.

中文: 比尔.韦斯莱的巴西笔友在得知比尔不能到南美洲旅行顺便来看他后非常不高兴,于是他寄给比尔一顶被诅咒过的帽子,戴上它后比尔的耳朵皱缩成一团。        更详细...

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