英文: At a time when there is international concern about the number and quality of science graduates, we cannot afford to pillory schools that are getting results, irrespective of sector.
中文: 在最近对私立学校的攻击中,最核心的是政府打算降低那些选择非公立学校的家长的责任。
英文: Traitors in science, who try to thoroughly destroy our nation's historical cause and internal cause and cut off our nation's lifeline of Dao De, are definitely to be nailed to that eternal pillory of nation's social development.
中文: 汉奸科学者,妄图以所谓科学的名义彻底摧毁民族的本因和内因,斩断汉民族道纪的承传和发展,他们必将会被钉在民族社会发展史的耻辱柱之上。