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Traitors in science, who try to thoroughly destroy our nation's historical cause and internal cause and cut off our nation's lifeline of Dao De, are definitely to be nailed to that eternal pillory of nation's social development.

Trains run on rails. 火车在轨道上行驶.
Trains run on two rails. 火车行走在两条铁轨上。
Trains the operators on tech and make SOP understood completely by relevant operators. 培训技术员及操作员工熟悉技术操作及标准作业书。
Trait mapping—narrowing the probable location of the gene underlying a trait to a particular chromosomal region, or locus—has shown that many of the changes humans have made in modern cereals map to similar loci in the genomes of related crop plants. 性状定位是找出负责某一性状的基因在染色体上特定区域的技术,经由这种技术,显示出人类对现代谷物物种造成的改变,都可回溯到相关植物基因组上类似的基因座。
Traitor. Our alliance never was. 叛逆者,我们的盟约不再有效了。
Traitors in science, who try to thoroughly destroy our nation's historical cause and internal cause and cut off our nation's lifeline of Dao De, are definitely to be nailed to that eternal pillory of nation's social development. 汉奸科学者,妄图以所谓科学的名义彻底摧毁民族的本因和内因,斩断汉民族道纪的承传和发展,他们必将会被钉在民族社会发展史的耻辱柱之上。
Tram to city at front door. 交通便利,电车10分钟到市区。
Trama The inner tissue of the gills in basidiomycete fungi that is made up of loosely packed hyphae. 菌髓:在担子菌的由多条菌丝松散围绕形成的菌褶内部存在的组织。
Tramps are from the lowest stratum of society. 流浪汉是社会最下阶层的人。
Trams are clean and efficient people-movers, and a popular means of getting about the city and suburbs. 有轨电车洁净并利于出行,是城市与郊区通行的便利工具。
Trance practise can be done lying down, but is best done in a comfortable arm chair. 恍惚状态练习可以躺着进行,但最好坐在舒适的椅子中进行。

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