英文: But Achilles' heel did not get wet, and during the Trojan War Paris, prince of Troy, shot and killed Achilles by hitting him with an arrow in the heel.
中文: 然而阿基里斯的脚跟并未被冥河之水浸湿,而特洛伊战争期间,特洛伊王子巴里斯射箭击中阿基里斯的脚跟,阿基里斯因而丧命。
英文: In the last few years we've seen major, big-budget movies about great tragic conflicts from the Trojan War through Operation Desert Storm.
中文: 在过去的几年中,我已经看过一些大制作的电影,从《特洛伊战争》到《沙漠风暴》他们都是关于重大的悲壮战争。
英文: One of the Greek heroes of the Trojan War and the son of the Ares.
中文: 狄俄墨得斯:特洛伊战争中希腊的一个英雄,战神阿瑞斯的儿子。
英文: The king of Sparta at the time of the Trojan War and the husband of Helen and brothter of Agamemnon.
中文: 墨涅拉俄斯:特洛伊战争期间的斯巴达王,美女海伦之夫,阿伽门农之弟。
英文: The wife of Agamemnon who, with the assistance of her lover Aegisthus, murdered him on his return from the Trojan War and was later murdered by her son Orestes.
中文: 克吕泰涅斯特拉:阿伽门农的妻子,在情人埃癸斯托斯的帮助下谋杀了从特洛伊战争中返回的阿伽门农,后被自己的儿子俄瑞斯忒斯杀死。