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In the last few years we've seen major, big-budget movies about great tragic conflicts from the Trojan War through Operation Desert Storm.

In the last few days, the Lazio management have begun transfer negotiations with Sevilla regarding the Uruguayan, but despite the player's will to move to the Biancocelesti, a problem has surfaced during the negotiations. 在过去的几天,拉齐奥的管理层和塞维利亚就乌拉圭前锋切万顿的转会进行着谈判,虽然球员本身对加入蓝鹰军团充满了渴望,但在谈判之中还是出现了问题。
In the last few decades, man has invented both the electric guitar and the synthesizer, which has revolutionized music around the world. 在过去的几十年里,人们发明了电吉他和电子合成器,这在世界范围内彻底改革了音乐。
In the last few hundred meters of the descent, a white-light lamp on the probe will illuminate the surface—which is normally a muddy red because the atmosphere absorbs the blue frequencies of sunlight—allowing the DISR to do a spectral analysis of the sur 在最后数百公尺的下降过程中,探测器上的白光灯将照亮地表(地表通常为暗红色,因为大气吸收太阳光中的蓝色频率),让DISR对地表组成进行光谱分析。
In the last few years trade fair design has developed into an interdisciplinary field for architects, classical trade fair builders, communication and media designers, advertising and event agencies. 在过去的几年里,贸易展览会设计已经为一些建筑师、古典的贸易展览会建筑者、通讯和媒介设计者、广告与活动机构发展成为各学科间的领域。
In the last few years we've had another kind of break-through. 在最近几年内我们有有休息的另外一个类型-穿越。
In the last few years we've seen major, big-budget movies about great tragic conflicts from the Trojan War through Operation Desert Storm. 在过去的几年中,我已经看过一些大制作的电影,从《特洛伊战争》到《沙漠风暴》他们都是关于重大的悲壮战争。
In the last few years, bags have become ever more voluminous, and as women have fallen sway to their chunky charms, they have filled them up with necessities. 近年来,包包愈来愈大,当女人被它们厚实庞大的魅力征服后,她们就在里面装满各种生活必需品。
In the last fifty years, Washington-Peking-Moscow relations has been shaped mainly by factors including national security, ideology, economic and trade interests, and the balance of power. 过去五十年来,中共、美国、苏联(俄罗斯)关系的发展,主要是受到国家安全、权力平衡、意识形态、经贸利益,以及国内政治等因素之影响。
In the last financial year 811 investment projects were made by firms from 40 countries, an increase of 14 per cent on the previous year. 上一会计年度,来自40个国家的公司在英国投资了811个项目,比前一年度增长14%。
In the last half of the nineteenth centurycapitaland labourwere enlarging and perfecting their rival organisations on mordern lives. 19世纪后半叶。“资方”和“劳方”安现代方式不断扩大和完善各自相对立的组织。
In the last month of campaigning, in towns and villages across this country, Afghans… from village elders with wizened faces, to wide-eyed teenagers too young to vote...have sat cross legged in the shade of mulberry trees, or in air-conditioned rooms cool 在上个月的选举中,在全国的城市和乡村,阿富汗人……上至来自乡村面容干枯的老者,下至还不能投票的大眼睛小孩……都盘腿坐在桑树的树荫下,或坐在装有发电机带动的空调的房间内。

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