英文: Autistic intelligence varies widely, from severe retardation to savant syndrome.
中文: 自闭症患者的智力差异甚广,从极度迟钝到学者症候群不等。
英文: For men in their fifties, their chance of fathering an autistic child is 9 times the risk of men in their teens and twenties.
中文: 50多岁的男子,他们抚育出自闭症儿童的可能性是十几岁和二十几岁的男子的9倍。
英文: He has observed that the savant skills most often present in autistic people are those associated with right hemisphere functions and the most deficient abilities are associated with left hemisphere functions.
中文: 他观察到,自闭症患者最常出现的学者技能,与右脑半球的功能有关;而缺失最严重的能力,则与左脑半球的功能有关。
英文: Proceeds from the shows paid for scholarships for underprivileged students and treatment for autistic children.
中文: 演出的收入则作为清寒奖学金以及自闭儿童的医疗费。
英文: Studies of identical twins have been particularly convincing in demonstrating this fact - the probability that the identical twin of an autistic person will also be autistic lies between 80 and 95 percent.
中文: 有些自闭症个体在某一特定领域会表现出极高的智力或突出的技巧,可以称之为天才,比如在电影《雨人》的主角所表现的那样,但这种情况非常罕见。