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Studies of identical twins have been particularly convincing in demonstrating this fact - the probability that the identical twin of an autistic person will also be autistic lies between 80 and 95 percent.

Studies link cancer risks to hormonal drugs, such as diethylstilbestrol (DES) taken during pregnancy and hormonal replacement therapy (1970s and 1980s). 进行关于激素药物与癌风险关系的研究,如在妊娠期间服用己烯雌酚(DES)和激素替代治疗(70年代到80年代).
Studies of Jupiter's atmospheric structure and storm behavior. 研究木星的大气层结构与天气系统.
Studies of ancient history, especially some significant history problems which concern economic patterns of some society and econmic features of some societies, the history status and historiography value of currency are more outstanding. 摘要研究古代史,尤其是研究与社会经济形态、社会经济特征等有关的重大历史问题时,货币的历史地位和史学价值尤为突出。
Studies of certain fossil distributions and of the pollen of certain temperate plants suggest decreases of a degree or two in both summer and winter temperatures and, therefore, that we may be in the declining climatic phase leading to glaciation and exti 对某些化石分布以及某些温带植物花粉的研究表明,夏天和冬天的温度下降了一到两度,所以,我们可能正处于气温日渐降低、冰川和灭绝即将来临的过程之中。
Studies of human m&#111nkeypox in rural central and west Africa – where people live in remote areas and are medically underserved – have reported case-fatality ratios of 1% to 10%. 在中部和西部非洲乡村的人居住和医疗水平都很低,据报道那里的人类猴痘研究得出的病死率为1%-10%。
Studies of identical twins have been particularly convincing in demonstrating this fact - the probability that the identical twin of an autistic person will also be autistic lies between 80 and 95 percent. 有些自闭症个体在某一特定领域会表现出极高的智力或突出的技巧,可以称之为天才,比如在电影《雨人》的主角所表现的那样,但这种情况非常罕见。
Studies of local, national, and international dynamics that create intolerance, polarization, oppression, or conflict in cities. 4研究会造成城市的不宽容、两极化、压制或冲突,在地区、国家与国际的动向。
Studies of people who voted show that the ruling Social Democratic Party tied with the opposition Christian Democratic Union Party. 通过调查选民显示,执政的社民党与在野党基督教民主联盟党平分秋色。
Studies of possible links between workers' self-regard and job performance echo what has been found with schoolwork: the simple search for correlations yields some suggestive results, but these do not show whether a good self-image leads to occupational s 对于自尊感与工作表现之间可能的关联性,研究结果正回应著学业上的发现:如果一味地寻找相关性,的确会产生某些具暗示性的结果,但这并不表示良好的自我形象会导致职场上的成功,反之亦然。
Studies of stroke patients confirm the basic division of labor. 从中风患者身上所做的研究证实了这种基本的分工现象。
Studies of the constitution of these ideas will reveal: (1) the idea of participating and transcending lifeis a deepening of the proposition that beauty is lifeput forward by Chernichofsky; (2) the idea of literature's shifting from politics to policies i 研究其当时文艺思想的构成可知:其一,“深入生活与超越生活”是对车尔尼雪夫斯基“美是生活”命题的深化;其二,文学由服从政治走向服从政策是对毛泽东文艺观念的合乎逻辑的推进;其三,现实主义和大众化是实现政治性和艺术性完美统一的有效路径;其四,倡导歌颂光明并对新的喜剧形式及其美学观念表现了一种深情呼唤。

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