英文: 133 top field: One of two fields that comprise a frame. Each row of a top field is spatially located immediately above the corresponding row of the bottom field.
中文: 顶场:组成一帧的一个场。顶场的每一行空间上位于对应底场所在行之上。
英文: A building can be programmed temporally as well as spatially to link the present with the past or the present with the future.
中文: 一栋建筑可以通过时间上也可通过空间上进行布置,使它成为过去与现在、现在与将来的桥连。
英文: A new direction of arrival estimation method is proposed using a single vector hydrophone, which is composed of three spatially co-located but orthogonally oriented velocity hydrophone plus another co-located pressure hydrophone.
中文: 摘要提出了一种基于单个矢量水听器的二维波达方向估计方法,该矢量水听器由三个空间轴向垂直的振速水听器和一个声压水听器构成。
英文: Abstract:This paper discussed the meanings of landscapes in four aspects: (1)Landscapes as visual perceptual objects, where landscapes and the observers are spatially separate, but landscapes are expressions of the observers' ideology and attitudes toward
中文: 摘要:本文从四个层面探讨了景观的含义:(1)景观作为视觉审美的对象,在空间上与人物我分离,景观所指表达了人与自然的关系、人对土地、人对城市的态度,也反映了人的理想和欲望;(2)景观作为生活其中的栖息地,是体验的空间,人在空间中的定位和对场所的认同,使景观与人物我一体;(3)景观作为系统,物我彻底分离,使景观成为科学客观的解读对象;(4)景观作为符号,是人类历史与理想,人与自然、人与人相互作用与关系在大地上的烙印。
英文: “Space within a space” and the impact of spatially engaging the viewer is the backbone of Wang Wei's art.
中文: 营造“空间中的空间”和关注空间与观众的互动所带来的感受是王卫作品的主线。