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“Space within a space” and the impact of spatially engaging the viewer is the backbone of Wang Wei's art.

“Sons can grow up to be their daddies!” he said defiantly. “They can.” I didn't argue. It made me feel good. “儿子长大后就跟爸爸一样!就能跟爸爸一样”。他争辩说。我没反驳。他的固执令我窃喜。
“Soo Min is not you. “秀敏不是你。”
“Sorry again. We don't feel like telling others about that either, “ she again refused to answer. “对不起,我们也不愿意把这事告诉给人家。”她再次拒绝了对方。
“Sorry!” calls Ben. “Goal kick to me! “对不起!”本喊一声,“把球踢给我!”
“Sounds great, ” the scientist said. “那太好了。”科学家说。
“Space within a space” and the impact of spatially engaging the viewer is the backbone of Wang Wei's art. 营造“空间中的空间”和关注空间与观众的互动所带来的感受是王卫作品的主线。
“Spare my life,“ he wailed, “and I will ask nothing from you. You shall pass by this place in peace. “饶命,”他哭喊道,“我什么都不要,你可以平安的通过这个地方。”
“Speak you,” said Mr. Black, “Speak you, good fellow! 布莱克先生叫道:“说,说吧!伙计!”
“Specialty, concentration and fengrossment” is our spirit. “专业、专心、专注”是我们的精神所在。
“Sprinkle thumbtacks on your bedroom floor. “撒些图钉在你的卧室地板上。”
“Stage love will never be true love while the law of the land has our heroines being played by pipsqueak boys in petticoats. “舞台上的爱情永远都不会是真爱,而国法则让我们的女主人公由那些穿着裙子的小男人来扮演。”

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