英文: And then, it turns up and ends in a soul-stirring love song of Jing, arousing infinite aftertaste and reverie.
中文: 然后峰回路转,把全片结束在一咏三叹、荡气回肠的京族情歌上,给人以无穷的回味与遐想。
英文: Meanwhile, the film also presents a soul-stirring historical panorama of the Civil War and postwar reconstruction.
中文: 同时,这部影片也为我们重现出南北战争那震撼人心的历史全景画面以及战后的重建。
英文: There's something very soul-stirring when you see a butterfly.
中文: 蝴蝶的出现能让人心振奋。
英文: These nine people become the hostages of two bank robbers under the strange combination of circumstances, go through for 52 hours soul-stirring life and death confront each other, nine survivors are rescued finally, although they get back to one's own nor
中文: 这九人在阴错阳差下成为两名银行劫匪的人质,经历了52小时惊心动魄的生死对峙,最后九名生还者被救出,他们虽回到自己的正常生活,但事件所做成的生理和心理影响正改变著他们,令这九人的命运从此连系起来,纠缠不清。
英文: With determination, our leaders mobilized the whole nation to fight an arduous and soul-stirring battle against the disease, winning a significant victory at last.
中文: 他们坚强地领导全国人民与非典疫症进行了惊心动魄、艰苦卓绝的抗争,最终取得了重大胜利。