英文: As a member of the Ethical, Legal and Social Implications Working Group advising the agencies on human genome research, Duster urged the NIH and the Department of Energy to challenge The Bell Curve, the 1994 best-seller that argued that race correlated wi
中文: 达斯特身为「伦理、法律与社会涵意工作小组」的一员,负责督导人类基因组研究;该小组要求美国国家卫生研究院与能源部质疑1994年的畅销书《钟形曲线》,因为该书主张智力与种族有关。
英文: But genetics cannot prove that race doesn't exist, Duster explains.
中文: 但达斯特说,遗传学无法证明种族不存在。
英文: But such single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) profiles can be deceptive, Duster warns.
中文: 但达斯特提出警告,这种「单核苷酸多型性」的剖析可能会有错误。
英文: Clean up the dust on the surface of the furniture with duster or clean duster cloth after installation,use of the duster cloth containing sand to wipe furniture is strictly forbidden.
中文: 安装后可用鸡毛扫或洁净的抹布清除家具表面的灰尘,严禁用带有沙粒的抹布檫拭家具。
英文: During furniture cleaning eliminate dust with softeners like duster first,wipe it gently with clean duster cloth.
中文: 给家具清洁时,先用鸡毛扫之类柔性器具进行除尘,再用洁净的抹布轻轻檫拭。