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*['weidʒә];n. 赌注, 赌博, 赌物;vt. 下赌注, 向...保证;vi. 打赌;

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*['weidʒә]\nn. 赌注, 赌博, 赌物\nvt. 下赌注, 向...保证\nvi. 打赌\n【法】 赌注, 赌博, 赌物; 打赌, 赌博\n相关词组:\n lag a wager with sb\n take up a wager

英文: A man celebrated his 100th birthday with 25,000 pounds in winnings on Tuesday after he beat the bookmakers with a wager that he would live for a century.

中文: 英国一名老年男性于4月24日庆祝了自己的100岁生日,他也因此打赢了与一家赌博公司的赌博,并赢得了25000英镑的奖金。        更详细...
英文: BE a law-abiding people accidentally, never gamble, this rules of the game I ain't greatly understand either, be still the wager absolute being to play.The mouse control.

中文: 偶是良民,从不赌博,这个游戏规则我也不大明白,还是赌神来玩吧。鼠标控制。        更详细...
英文: But while all that may be true, I should say that I also heard as many Spanish as German oaths mixed in with the screaming, and I wager that when the carts and the mules finally rode out of Rome, laden with gold plate and tapestries, as much of it was hea

中文: 不过,尽管所有这些都是真的,我还是要补充,就我听到的,混杂在惊叫中的咒骂声,西班牙语的和德语的一样多;我还敢担保,当马车和骡子满载金盘和挂毯,终于驶出罗马,前往西班牙的和前往德国的也是一样多。        更详细...
英文: Handicrafts have been expanded to a greater extent than at any time since the empress dowager was on the throne in Peking.

中文: 手工业也得到很大发展,超过了自慈禧太后在北京执政以来的任何时期。        更详细...
英文: He wants nothing more than to return to the household of the Dowager Provincara, where he served as a page in his youth.

中文: 他但求能够回到公爵夫人的家族人员中,年轻时他曾在那里担任侍从。        更详细...

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