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He wants nothing more than to return to the household of the Dowager Provincara, where he served as a page in his youth.

He wants a shirt that does not bind him. 他要一件不使他觉得过紧的衬衫。
He wants a stapler , but she have not get one. 他想要一个订书机,但她没有。
He wants a stapler, but she have not get one. 他想要一个订书机,但她没有。
He wants me to go to the party with him, but I'd rather stay at home and watch TV. 他想我跟他一起去参加派对,但是我宁愿呆在家里看电视。
He wants me to go with him. 他希望我同他一起去。
He wants nothing more than to return to the household of the Dowager Provincara, where he served as a page in his youth. 他但求能够回到公爵夫人的家族人员中,年轻时他曾在那里担任侍从。
He wants power at any price, and he'll say anything to get it. 他不计代价想得到权力,而且为了得到他什麽话都会说。
He wants sex with no strings attached, but she keeps pressuring him to commit. 他要与她做爱不附带条件,但她给他压力,要他遵守承诺。
He wants some brown shoes with lace, size nine. 他想要棕色的第带鞋,9号的。
He wants that job very much, and he'll swear black is white to get it. 他太希望得到那个工作了,以至于不惜颠倒是非。
He wants the EU to look again at the “community-interest” test—that anti-dumping duties can be introduced only if they are in the wider interests of European business and consumers. 他希望欧盟重新审视“欧共体利益”评估原则(即征收反倾销关税必须以符合更广大欧洲企业和消费者之利益为前提)。

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