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Handicrafts have been expanded to a greater extent than at any time since the empress dowager was on the throne in Peking.

Handheld microphones usually have their low frequencies intentionally rolled-off. 手持话筒通常有意的做低频衰减。
Handhold Reinforcing Tape: A reinforcing tape, such as Sesame Tape, minimum 3/16wide, will be embedded in the carton wall 1/8to 3/8above the upper score line of each handhold. 把手(孔)应力加固带:一种应力加固带,比如双面芝麻胶带,最少3/16宽,粘贴在每个手孔的上切割线上方1/8至3/8处的箱体纸板内部.
Handicapped children need your help please give generously. 残疾儿童需要您的帮助--请慷慨解囊。
Handicapped toilets are located on this floor and the door shows a wheelchair. 残疾人洗手间在着层,门上画的轮椅。
Handicraft class was a required course for most primary school students in China. 在中国的大部分小学里,手工课都是必修课。
Handicrafts have been expanded to a greater extent than at any time since the empress dowager was on the throne in Peking. 手工业也得到很大发展,超过了自慈禧太后在北京执政以来的任何时期。
Handicrafts produced by families were to be sold in the local shops. 由家庭制作的手工艺品在当地的店里出售。
Handicrafts were produced by families to be sold in local stores. 由家庭制作的手工艺品在当地的商店里出售。
Handing over the after-packing products to the carrier according to the logistics plan. Making relevant record, and deliver to relevant personnel for verifying and signing. 按照物流计划,将包装后的产品提交承运商,并做好相应的记录,送交相关人员审核,签署。
Handle a notification that the processing for a particular phase of the request processing lifecycle is about to begin. 处理结束和处理开始两个方法,我们可以在这两个方法里面写入我们自己的代码,对用户过来的请求进行处理。
Handle all processing of mouse messages to the scroll bar. 操纵所有到滚动条的鼠标消息的处理。

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