英文: According to recent reports, it is being revived as a vernacular in the village of Mattur near Shimoga in Karnataka.
中文: 根据一些新近的报导,它在卡纳塔克邦(印度邦名,旧称迈索尔邦)悉摩迦附近的地方马特的一些村庄里作为本国语言而复兴起来。
英文: Although modest, both public and private architecture form a harmonious whole, thanks to the coherent use of local materials and vernacular techniques.
中文: 由于城市建设时一直采用了当地的材料,继承了本地的建筑特色,这一切使得戈亚斯城内公共建筑和私人住宅达成了和谐统一。
英文: An Iranian language that is the principal vernacular language of Afghanistan and parts of western Pakistan.
中文: 普什图语一种伊朗语,是阿富汗和巴基斯坦西部的部分地区的主要方言
英文: By discussing these problems, the auttor attempts to explore how to accurately and smoothly render ancient historical records into the vernacular Chinese.
中文: 试图探索怎样才能准确、畅达地把用文言文写的古代充书对译成现代汉语。
英文: Compared with classical Chinese prose, the Europeanized essays seem more natural, familiar and rational; compared with the articles written in old vernacular Chinese, modem essays have got new rhythms and poetic nature.
中文: 与传统散文相比,欧化的散文文体亲切自然而富于理性,与旧白话文相比,欧化的散文文体具有现代意义上的诗性。