According to projection features and projection characteristics of the boss-eyed plane, we can adopt the way of analyzing the line frames from the projection of an object surfaceto analyze the combination shape and hence construct the three-dimensional dr
根据可视面的投影性质和投影特征,可采用“表面框分析法”对组合体形状进行分析,从而确定三维立体图。 |
According to property and function different, differentiate for decision-making system, management system, groom system, harmonious system, superintend and director guides and feedback system, build and govern function of system of system, aggrandizement
按照性质和职能的不同,划分为决策系统、管理系统、培训系统、协调系统、督导和反馈系统、建立和健全管理制度、强化系统职能,使集团各分店、各部门、各级人员能够各司其职,确保集团的健全发展,并取得良好的经济效益。 |
According to psychologist John Holland, there are six types of personalities.
根据心理学家约翰荷兰的研究,人的个性可分为六种。 |
According to quantity to determine price.
价格依数量而定。 |
According to quantum theory, even a perfect vacuum is not truly empty; it is filled with fluctuations as a result of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle.
根据量子理论中的海森堡测不准原理,就算是完美的真空也不是空无一物,而是充满了量子涨落。 |
According to recent reports, it is being revived as a vernacular in the village of Mattur near Shimoga in Karnataka.
根据一些新近的报导,它在卡纳塔克邦(印度邦名,旧称迈索尔邦)悉摩迦附近的地方马特的一些村庄里作为本国语言而复兴起来。 |
According to recent statistics from the Shanghai Civil Affairs Bureau, the number of intercultural marriages of Shanghai is rising steadily.
据上海民政局的最新统计数据,上海的涉外婚姻数量正在稳定增长。 |
According to recent statistics, nearly one-third of Americans spent part of their work day dialing onto the Internet to get their job done—and this number is predicted to skyrocket in the near future.
根据统计,美国目前有将近三分之一的人口,每天必须使用远端登录的方式来进行他们的工作,而且这个比例将在短期内迅速增加。 |
According to recent study findings, drinking very hot tea or coffee with milk appears to raise the risk of esophageal cancer.
根据一项最近所做的研究发现,饮用加牛奶的滚烫咖啡或茶会增加罹患食道癌的机率。 |
According to recognition of solder fog, can assist with determination of lead-free process (on the certification).
透过锡雾状况辨别,可辅助无铅制程之判定(功能认证中)。 |
According to recording data of higher level monitor and control system when main motor drive system for four-high medium plate mill is operated, and relation between armature voltage of DC electromotor and AC input voltage of inverter, trip cause of DC fa
根据中板四辊轧机主电机传动系统运行时的上级监控系统记录数据,以及直流电机电枢电压与变流器交流侧输人电压的关系,详尽地分析了直流快速自动开关跳闸故障原因,并提出具体的对策及措施。 |