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*[den'teiʃәn]\nn. 齿状, 齿状突起

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英文: According to the experimental results, the adhesion effects to the load-depth curves are significant as the indentation depth is lower than 50 nm, and the effect gets larger as depth decreases.

中文: 由实验结果发现黏滞效应在压痕深度小于时,对压痕作用力与压痕深度图有极大之影响,而且此现象随著压痕深度下降而急剧上升。        更详细...
英文: Coat your finger with flour and press your finger into middle of the dough, the indentation should remain visible for a few seconds.

中文: 用手指沾面粉戳入面团当中,面团将会随之凹陷下去,但是不会立即弹起或继续向下陷,这就表示头次发酵完成。        更详细...
英文: During spot welding process, the servo gun's electrode position and pressure is controlled by the position loop of the servo motor, meanwhile, indentation is picked up from servo encoder to inspect weld quality online.

中文: 点焊过程中,利用伺服电机的位置环来实现电极位置和压力控制,同时,从伺服编码器中在线提取焊点压痕,来进行点焊质量在线评价。        更详细...
英文: For example, blank lines might be inserted after procedure bodies and declarations, indentation might be adjusted to properly reflect nesting levels, excessively long lines might be split into shorter ones, and matching parentheses and braces might be ver

中文: 例如,空行可能被插在过程和声明之后;缩进将被调整,使之正确反映嵌套层次;超长的行可能被分成若干短行;配对的圆括号和花括号将会垂直地对齐,以显示程序的结构。        更详细...
英文: From a hill-top near by, where the wood had been recently cut off, there was a pleasing vista southward across the pond, through a wide indentation in the hills which form the shore there, where their opposite sides sloping toward each other suggested a s

中文: 从最近被伐木的附近一个峰顶上向南看,穿过小山间的巨大凹处,看得见隔湖的一幅愉快的图景,那凹处正好形成湖岸,那儿两座小山坡相倾斜而下,使人感觉到似有一条溪涧从山林谷中流下,但是,却没有溪涧。        更详细...

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