英文: When you use a laptop, you can make your head and neck comfortable, or you can make your hands and arms comfortable, but it's impossible to do both,says Tom Albin of Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, a national think tank that has issued a standards r
中文: 「当你使用膝上型电脑时,你可以使头部和颈部感觉舒服,或者让双手和手臂维持舒适,但不可能两者同时办到,」曾发布电脑工作站人体工学标准报告的全国性智库「人性因素与人体工学协会」的艾尔本说。
英文: Everyday a small group of scientist go into a think tank to conduct experiment.
中文: 每天,一小组科学家加入智库以进行实验。
英文: IBON Foundation, a socioeconomic research think tank placed the estimates of foregone revenue from tariff reduction at P100 billion a year.
中文: 一社会经济研究智库IBON基金会估计,从降低关税所减少的岁入一年达1000亿披索。
英文: India is one of the developing countries where the think tank is considered with the earliest discovery, the largest scale and the widest influence.
中文: 印度是发展中国家中思想库发展最早、规模最大、影响最广的国家之一。
英文: The report, commissioned by the think tank Demos and Ikea, said the issue of sleep had been forgotten in the work/life balance debate.
中文: 这份由欧洲著名独立智库Demos和宜家家居公司委托制作的报告指出,睡眠问题在工作和生活平衡表上被遗忘了。