英文: 2006“Xin Yue Cup” National Strongman Championship Competition (Zibo, Shandong) was held from October 27th to 28th in Shandong Polytechnic University.
中文: 2006年“新月杯”山东淄博全国大力士冠军赛于10月27、28日在山东理工大学举行。
英文: Australia, brags Mr Costello, has become not the poor white trash but “the strongman of Asia”.
中文: 大多数经济学家认为澳大利亚的经济扩张远未结束。
英文: It was the first time that the strongman sport came into a college and it was the first time that it was televised live through final the Shandong sport TV, which aroused a strong response.
中文: 本次比赛是大力士赛事第一次走进大学校园,并通过山东体育电视台对决赛进行了现场直播,引起强烈的社会反响。
英文: Samson was a strongman who let himself be led astray by a Jezebel like Delilah.
中文: 参孙是个大力士。他让他自己被像大力拉的耶洗别带入歧途。